I spend… a little too much money this time of year. I know, it is a problem, but I just can’t resist all of the adorable pumpkins and spooky ghosts that retail has to offer. Plus, those pumpkin scented candles are always immediately added to my cart as soon as I smell them. They just all smell so good, I can’t help it.

Every year I tell myself that my decoration collection is complete. I have everything I need to make my home look as warm and cozy as I can. But then, I am just casually walking through a store and see something I just NEED. Okay, maybe I don’t actually need it, but that doesn’t stop me from buying it. Impulse purchases are real and a definite problem.

I think I have a particular weakness for pumpkins. I discussed this in my post about how I decorate, but I have such a large and eclectic collection of pumpkins that don’t really look good together. But I love each one and put them all out each year.

Varied assortment of pumpkins


Since we are talking about pumpkins, Target is my favorite store to buy all different types and styles of pumpkins. They put out new ones each year, and they aren’t even that expensive. So I see them, I like them, I buy them. Target also sells other adorable and spooky decorations. I particularly like their Halloween line, which is super fun and brings out the youth in me.

Michael’s Craft Store

This is another one of my favorites. Michael’s has always been a favorite store of mine, all year long. I love crafting, so it is one of my favorite things to walk around the aisles of Michael’s, seeing what crafty inspiration would strike me. Well, this is even better during the fall season. They have decorations that fit any and all home styles. From farmhouse decor to cheesy Halloween jack-o-lanterns, and everything in between.

Joanne’s Fabric Store

I also love going to Joanne’s all year, but fall is just a magical time in stores like this. I go to Joanne’s more for the home decor than Halloween decorations. Throw pillows are always the best from this store, along with their fall-themed mugs. I also love looking at their Halloween fabrics, and see if there is anything I want to use for projects, like sewing scrunchies or making protective sleeves for my books.

Dollar Stores

You can find so many cool ideas for dollar store fall decorations. They do sell some interesting ones, but there is so much more you can do with the simple and cheap decorations that you can find there, like painting foam pumpkins to be more elegant, or making a simple door sign into a beautiful wreath, all with materials you get for a dollar each. Seriously, look it up on Pinterest, it is incredible what you can do!

Thrift Stores

Oh, how I miss walking down the aisles of thrift stores, looking at books, and everything fun that thrift stores have to offer. I haven’t gone since COVID, but I am so ready to be back. Some of my favorite fall decorations were found at thrift stores. You can find such unique and interesting pieces at these stores. It is usually at random times of the year that I will find the fall decorations, but when I do, I find the best things, and I save them for when September and October roll around.

tote bag with pumpkins, leaves, and blanket coming out of it

Dang it, now I feel like going autumn decoration shopping, even though I already told myself I wasn’t going to buy anymore this year, especially after creating my spooky terrarium! There are just so many things I want to do with my space, and honestly, adding a little autumnal joy to my life is one of my favorite parts of the season. You can read all about how I decorate for the fall season in my recent blog post, here!

I just want to also acknowledge the privilege I have to be able to buy all of these autumn decorations. I am so lucky to have a job, especially during a time like now. It is important to remember these things, so we don’t get caught up in the whirlwind retail/capitalism brings during this time of year.

What is your favorite place to buy fall decorations? Let me know in the comments below!

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