Well, it might not be the biggest sale of the year, but if you are a candle lover like myself, Candle Day at Bath and Body Works is a very exciting time! Starting today, and lasting only through the weekend, Bath and Body Works marks down their 3-wick candles to over 50% off! It is a massive discount, so candle lovers go wild! But if you have never been to a Candle day before, it can get a little overwhelming! I have been to my fair share of sales at BBW, so I wanted to share my candle day tips and tricks!

I am a massive fan of candles all year round but especially during the winter months. There is something about the flickering light and yummy fragrances that makes me feel all warm and cozy. Lighting a candle is a part of my daily nighttime routine. It settles me in for the night and calms me down after a long day of work.

So, as you can imagine, I have found myself with quite the collection of candles over the years. I have tried a lot of different candle companies, and have found ones I loved, and ones I hated. But out of every candle I have burned in my life, my favorite has to be the Bath and Body Works 3-wick candle. They have all the makings of a good candle! I will go into further detail on what makes a good candle later on in this post, so keep reading.

Candle Day is the day that these wonderful Bath and Body Works 3-wick candles sell for the cheapest price they will all year long. While Bath and Body Works often has sales on candles throughout the year, they never go as low as this weekend. This is why, if you are even thinking about stopping by the store, do it!

Disclaimer: I do not talk on behalf of the brand or the company, and this post is not sponsored. I am just a candle lover who wants to share some candle day tips & tricks!

Image of a Bath and Body Works 3-wick candle
Photo by Lola Is Somebody on Unsplash

What Makes a Good Candle?

There are a lot of candle companies out in the world, and some of them are cheaper than others. So why should you be so excited about the 3-wick candles from Bath and Body Works? Because they have all the makings of a good candle! I will list them below:

  1. Strong Fragrance: If you are looking for scented candles, you want to be able to smell the fragrance!
  2. Even burn pool: There is nothing worse than wasted candle wax because of a tunnling candle
  3. Large variety of fragrances: Everyone has different preferences, so it is nice when there is a lot to choose from
  4. Cute packaging: Well, maybe this isn’t exactly important, but it’s preferred!

Looking at all these factors, Bath and Body Works Candles pass the test with flying colors!

When is Candle Day 2021?

For many years, Candle Day was actually one day! Can you believe it? But last year, in hopes of spreading out the event because of COVID, candle day became a whole weekend, and I don’t think they will be changing it back.

For 2021, the Annual Bath and Body Works Candle Day Event is December 3rd and 4th! It starts TODAY!

What is the Price of Candles on Bath and Body Works Candle Day 2021

Now, for what you really want to know! How much are these candles?!

The price changes every year, but it is always cheap. It has been going up every year since I have shopped it, which I no fun. But we do live in a capitalistic society, so what can you do?

Without further ado, the price for the 3-wick candles at Bath and Body Works on Candle Day 2021 is $10.25!

When Candles are usually $25.50 that is a deep discount! Even when you look at sales throughout the year, they usually go down to $15.95 or $14.50. You are saving almost 5 dollars per candle! That is huge, especially during the holidays when saving money is super important!

Why Should You Shop the Bath and Body Works Candle Day Sale?

Now that we have established that these candles are worth it, why should you care about going to candle day to do your shopping? Do you really save that much money? Yes! Like I explained above, if you are a candle fan shopping during this sale is totally worth it.

Or, if you have never used a Bath and Body Works 3-wick candle, now would be the time to try it! With the cheap price, you don’t have a lot to lose!

Another reason to shop the annual candle sale at Bath and Body Works is gifting! If you are still trying to gather all the gifts you want to give this holiday season, candles are a great idea! Buy one for everyone on your list, from your BFF to your lovely neighbor! The best thing about giving Bath and Body Works candles is, if the person hates the scent, they can easily exchange it for another candle for free! Or return in for the lowest selling amount on a gift card to use on something else in the store.

Image of a scented candle next to a bath tub
Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels

Candle Day Tips & Tricks to Make the Most of This Sale

Alright, now it is time for my candle day tips! Everything I have learned from my years’ experience with this annual Bath and Body Works sale!

1. Go Early!

Most stores open hours before their regular store hours during the annual candle sale! So if you are able to go before work, or when you have a break, it is worth it!

Stores have A LOT of candles, but they sell out of the good ones very quickly. So if you want a good pick of all the candle options, go as early as possible.

2. Go to Multiple Stores!

Different stores will have different stock. So, if you are looking for specific candles, you will be most successful by hitting a couple of the stores in your area!

If you don’t have stores close by, and you want to know if a store has a specific candle, you can call. However, if you are able to stop in with not much trouble, I urge you to do so. Candle Day is the busiest day for Bath and Body Works employees. Even busier than black Friday. So answering questions over the phone becomes difficult.

3. Visit the Sale on Multiple Days

Now that the annual candle sale has been extended to a whole weekend, there are even more opportunities to visit the sale and it is worth it!

Oftentimes, stores start selling down on product, so to keep shelves full, the company will allow stores to put out the new collections that are coming in and being held in the back! This isn’t a sure thing, but it has happened multiple times before!

So, it might benefit you to check out what your local Bath and Body Works have to offer Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

4. Come Prepared with a List

If you are a hard-core lover of candles, you will want to know exactly what candles you are looking for. So, before Candle Day, I always go on the website and create a list of all the candles I am planning to purchase, so I can be more efficient in my shopping.

This is especially helpful during COVID. In many states, there are still occupancy limits on stores, so you might have to wait in line. To get in and out quickly, knowing what you want can be very useful.

This is also helpful for me because I make sure I don’t do too much impulse buying. Only some!

5. Be Kind!

The employees are bound to be tired, busy, and rushed during this sale, so kindness can go a long way. But being kind is not only good for morale, but it can also benefit you!

When people are kind, employees are more likely to help them find the candles they want!

And it is just nice to spread kindness this time of year!

Bath and Body Works does a lot of fantastic sales during the winter season, and the annual Candle Day has to be my favorite! I have already gotten my first haul of the weekend, but I am sure to find a few more along the way! I hope some of these candle day tips helped in your shopping!

Look out for more sales on body care, aromatherapy, and more! They will be happening the entire month of December!

Comment below what candles you buy at this year’s Candle Day! And comment any candle day tips & tricks you want to share with others!

1 Comment

  1. […] I will say this upfront, I am a candle lover. If you couldn’t tell by my post on Bath and Body Works, I have quite the collection of scented candles. So while I am telling you these reasons for wanting […]

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