It is finally the end of this crazy summer that has been filled with a lot of staying home, wearing masks, and social distancing. It is certainly some “unprecedented times” as we hear on the news every day. This summer is different from any other summer we have experienced. There have been no pool parties, no, shopping, and importantly, no connection with many friends and family. Let’s just say, it has been a difficult summer.

The new restrictions that have been placed on many states in the US have definitely put a damper on our summer plans. And now, much of the United States is in the middle of one of the worst heat waves we have seen in a long time. I have been absolutely melting, I hate the heat so much. Autumn is definitely my preferred time of year!

I am just imagining myself in the cool fall air, orange and red leaves falling down around me, a warm Pumpkin Spiced Latté in my hands. I can’t wait. I just need this heatwave to be over so I can wear my new fall sweater, and burn my new fall candles. Is it too early to start filling my home with pumpkins?

Anyway, the heat is real, and it is here to stay for a little while. The pandemic has halted a lot of common ways to avoid sweating, like visiting the beaches and pools. So, I decided to compile my favorite ways to beat the heat, even when you can’t leave home.

1. Read a book!

book sitting with colorful notebooks and fruit

Yeah, I said it, one of the best ways to avoid the heat is to… avoid the heat. And that means not moving. You don’t really want to move around a lot because that would create more heat, and more sweat… gross. So, why not sit yourself down in one spot, find a good book, and escape into the pages. Hey, maybe it is cooler in the story than it is here.

2. Make some cool down foods!

Freeze some grapes, blend a smoothie, eat some ice cream. Cold foods will feel so good when it is over 100 degrees and all you want to do it jump in the freezer. There is never a tastier time to eat ice cream than when it is 100 degrees outside.

I love to make home-made snow cones! Put some ice in a blender and top the slush you make with any juice or fruit you have around the kitchen! An instant tropical treat!

Smoothie held in front of a tapestry

3. Watch winter movies!

I mean any movies would work, but winter movies especially! There is nothing like watching people play in the snow to help me forget the heat. Hallmark plays Christmas movies throughout the year! I am obsessed with watching Hallmark Christmas movies during the holidays, but there is also something special about having Christmas in July… or August.

4. Sleep through the heat

This is a joke, but also kind of true. Heat takes a lot out of you, so don’t be surprised by how exhausted you have been feeling lately. When it is this hot, I like to succumb to my tiredness, if my schedule allows. Take a nap! You won’t be thinking about the heat while your dreaming of being on a tropical island.

5. Play in the sprinklers

I know I definitely did this when I was a kid! Did anyone else put on their bathing suits and run through the sprinklers? I loved it and it definitely is a great way to stay cool. Bonus, my dog loves doing it. And you are never too old to have this much fun!

6. Binge some TV

This is similar to reading, but seriously, the last thing I want to do when it is hot is move. But laying on the ground, staring at the ceiling doesn’t sound very entertaining at all. So, you might as well lay on the ground staring at a TV screen. Find a show you absolutely love and forget about the world, and the heat, around you. Check out my post full of amazing and beautiful Netflix shows to binge-watch here!


iced water sitting on a desk

This one is so important. Whatever you decide to do in your effort to beat the heat, always have a glass of water next to you. Water is VERY IMPORTANT in your body’s ability to cool off. The more you drink, the better you will feel! Bonus, it is good for your skin and organs as well! Healthy skin, healthy organs, healthy body!

8. Make a homemade air conditioner

Sometimes, we can’t run the air conditioner all day long, for many different reasons. Well, if you have a fan and some ice I have exciting news for you! Simply place a bowl of ice directly in front of your fan. The ice will cool down the air around it, and the fan will take that cool air and blow it directly on you! How nice! There are more descriptive tutorials of this online, so google away!

9. Get outside!

I know the sun is outside, why would outside be better than inside? Well, homes can often become greenhouses, the windows taking in the heat, and then trapping it inside. It gets stuffy really quickly. sometimes the fresh air can actually feel better, especially if there is a breeze. Bonus, you get your daily dose of Vitamin D! Just don’t forget to find shade, wear sunscreen, and hydrate! Bring a book with you, or listen to some music! (Click here for my Summer Playlist!)

10. Soak your feet

This one may sound weird, but the feet are very important in regulating body temperature. When the feet are hot. your whole body will feel hot. So pull out that old kiddy pool or foot spa, fill it with some cool water, and relax away. Throw some peppermint essential oils in there too, for a more cooling effect! Might as well give yourself a pedicure while you’re at it, your cuticles will be primed and ready.

What are your favorite way to beat the heat? I am always looking for suggestions since it seems this heat wave might go on for a while.

I am going to go lie on my floor, in front of a fan, watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Don’t mind me!

1 Comment

  1. […] the heat? Are you still staying at home because of the new Delta Variant of Covid-19? Check out this post I wrote last summer, full of ideas on how to beat the summer heat without ever leaving your […]

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