When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of anything on the Travel Channel, the Discovery Channel, or anything similar. I loved losing myself in interesting places and amazing creatures. Anything from the paranormal investigation shows to expedition shows, I am down. But my favorites were always about the ocean. I couldn’t get enough of this beautiful blue waves.

The ocean is a wild place, isn’t it? The fact that scientists haven’t even explored the majority of the ocean is… scary! We have no idea what is down there, biologists are still discovering new species of fishes and SHARKS!

But don’t let Jaws fool you, sharks are beautiful and magnificent creatures. I just think they are pretty neat, and I have learned so much about them through the wonderful even called Shark Week! It is my favorite week of the summer, and it always seems to land on the hottest week of the summer, which makes wearing my shark onesie a little difficult. I love being able to escape the heat, in my mind at least, and watch about 100 shows about sharks swimming the cool waters of this earth’s oceans.

Photo by Ali Abdul Rahman on Unsplash

What is Shark Week?

Shark Week is, pretty popular. But, if you don’t know what it is, I will explain…

It is a week full of sharks. Yes, I know, you would have never guessed that if it weren’t for me. You’re welcome.

Shark Week is pretty much what it sounds like. Every year, the Discovery Channel dedicates an entire week of air time exclusively to hour long documentaries about sharks. I am talking 24/7.

These shows are informational, thrilling, and fun. There are episodes about hammerheads, great whites, and my personal favorites, whale sharks.

There are even shows about zombie sharks, weird looking sharks that show up in the really deep parts of the ocean. It is amazing how much information I have learned about sharks purely through shark week. They are fascinating animals, and I have no problem spending my days learning about them.

When is it?

Shark Week is held for one whole week, 7 days, every summer.

It has actually already begun for 2020. That’s right, we are currently in the middle of Shark Week. This year, Shark Week is August 9th- August 15th.

Have you learned something new about sharks recently? If not, you still have 4 more days of fun! Get on it, you can find it to be something you really love!

Photo by Thomas Ashlock on Unsplash

Why Should you Watch Shark Week?

  1. It’s Informational! You might learn something new about a creature that is often unnecessarily feared.
  2. Shark Week supports shark conservation! Not only is this event helping educate people about sharks beyond the misinformation that Jaws presented, but Discovery Channel also works with organizations like Oceana in donating money towards the conversation of sharks. You can learn more about that here. Also, check out this infographic about conservation!
  3. Beat the Heat! For some people, we are in the middle of a heatwave! There is no better way to forget about the heat than watching the ocean right? Especially since a lot of us can’t visit the ocean because of COVID-19.
  4. It’s fun! Sharks are neat creatures. It is honestly just really cool to learn more about them.

So anyway, sharks are really cool and I think more people should learn about them. A lot of us use the ocean as a place to cool down and enjoy nature. But those waters aren’t infested by sharks. That is the shark’s home, and the more we learn about these creatures, the better we are at conserving them. A lot of sharks are on the endangered species list, and working to change that is important!

Life would be so much more boring without hammerheads, that’s all I’m saying.

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