Something I am super passionate about is finding the right way to get things done. With life being full of so many distractions, it can be insanely difficult to figure out how to be more productive and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

With that in mind, I am very excited to introduce a wonderful guest post written by Disha from Stunning New Life. This post has some incredibly helpful tips on how to be more productive in your daily life, and how to reach the goals you set for yourself!

Related: Why you Should Use To-Do Lists and Why they are Useful

How to be More Productive & Reach Your Goals

Productivity is a hot topic nowadays. Everyone wants to be more productive, we are obsessed with it.

The misconception most people have about productivity is that it’s all about getting more and more things done in a short time, but that’s not completely true. 

So, let’s first discuss what productivity really is- 

Being productive means doing tasks that are important to do at this point in time. By completing these tasks without burning yourself out, you get a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness in return. 

For the last couple of years, I have tried some of these tips that have helped me stay productive and live a life that is less stressful and more joyful. 

If you have a goal you want to achieve, anything from earning more money, getting fit, or maybe starting your own business, then these tips will also help you achieve your goals faster.

In this post, we’ll talk about how you can become productive and reach your goals. 

Let’s get started- 

Image of someone working on a computer
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Step-1) Define your goals. 

To achieve a goal, you first must define it. To do that, you can grab a paper and pen and write what you want from your life. 

Keep in mind that there is a difference between being realistic and limiting yourself. 

The most common challenge we face when defining our goals is that we limit ourselves and start thinking- 

“Am I too old to achieve that?” 


“I wish I had planned this earlier.” 

But as Diana Nyad says- “You are never too old to chase your dream.”

And I agree with her as I believe it’s never too “late” to go after your dreams and achieve them. By doing so, you not only get what you want, but you also show others that it’s possible.

If you decide not to pursue your goals, time will pass anyway, and you will think, “I wish I had started sooner” and that’s why I believe the best time to go after your dreams is now. 

Step-2) Organize your day.

Now that you have decided what you want to accomplish, this is the time to take action one step at a time. 

When you organize your day, you are more likely to achieve your goals as your subconscious mind knows what to focus on.  

For organizing your day, you can use a physical pen and paper (which I prefer personally), or you can use digital apps.

There are a few popular apps out there you can use to organize your day, such as – 

  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Google Keep
  • Google Calendar
Image of a day planner sitting on a table
Photo by Renáta-Adrienn on Unsplash

Step-3) Declutter your space

No one can be productive in clutter. 

Have you heard the phrase “less is more?” If there’s something that isn’t adding value to your life, remove it. You want to only focus on things that are useful.

You can even start with your wardrobe and slowly move to other areas of your home like the kitchen, living room, and desk (if you work from home). 

Once you have decluttered, you can sell or donate your old stuff. 

After you are done with physical clutter, now is the time for decluttering your digital space, such as- 

  • Uninstalling any apps on your phone that you are no longer using
  • Going through unnecessary files and folders on your laptop (always try to organize them so you can easily find them later) 
  • Organizing your email inbox (clean it out once in a while and unsubscribe from newsletters that are not useful for you anymore) 

Step-4) Avoid multitasking.

Do you watch TV while scrolling through your mobile phone or try to work while wearing headphones?

We all do those activities without even realizing that multitasking can make you less productive and creates distractions. 

It’s always a good approach to do one task at a time so you can avoid overwhelming yourself. The quality of your work will also improve as you will be focusing on one thing at a time. 

Image of a person working on a laptop
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash


As I said earlier, productivity is not about how many tasks you complete in a day but how effectively you are able to do them so you can live a stress-free life and spend more quality time with yourself and the people you love.  

About Me

My name is Disha and I have a blog over at Stunning New Life. I love sharing my personal growth journey so it can help others in some way. At Stunning New Life blog, my mission is to help and show you how you can live your life to the fullest!

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