I have been talking a lot about all the different goals and resolutions I have for the new year. I am so excited to start working on my goals and achieving my dreams. 2022 is going to be the year! But it is also so easy to lose motivation when life gets in the way. So this year, I am going to work on keeping my motivation up all 365 days by remembering why I set those resolutions. And to do that, I will be journaling using these New Year’s journal prompts.

2022 is going to be the third year of using my bullet journal, and this year I plan to go bigger than I have ever done before. With my bullet journal, I usually focus on tracking the books I read and some of the habits I want to strive for. Although I love those, I also want to focus on my motivation and inspiration in 2022 and to do that, I am going to include some journal entries.

Plus, imagine me heading to a local coffee shop, pulling out my journal, and writing in it while sipping on a hot latté. That is the ultimate way to romanticize my life in the coming year.

So in this spirit, I wanted to think of some journal prompts that will get me ready for that. These will help in clarifying goals, understanding why you want to achieve these resolutions, and figuring out how to get them. They are also here to help me understand the kind of person I want to be at the end of 2022.

Image of someone completeing New Year's journal prompts
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Why Should You Use a Journal in 2022?

There are a lot of benefits to using a journal. There are about one million and one different articles about it on the internet, one of my favorite being this article from Vanilla Papers, which talks about some interesting benefits of journaling.

Here are some of the benefits I have experienced from my small experience with journaling:

  • Creatve outlet, I don’t just have to write in my journal
  • Practice writing when I don’t feel like actually writing
  • Get the thoughts out of my head, which makes me see them clearer
  • Gives my thoughts a personal space where I don’t fear judgement from others

Everyone expresses themselves and their creativity differently. You just have to find what works for you. Journaling just happens to be one that works for me.

New Year’s Journal Prompts

  1. What were you proud of this year?
  2. How do you plan to celebrate the New Year? Is it different from previous years?
  3. What are your goals and resolutions for the New Year?
  4. What is your plan to complete your New Year’s resolutions? List the steps you are going to take.
  5. How do you know when you are starting to feel unmotivated, and how can you fix that?
  6. Write about how it is okay to not be perfect in your persuit of your goals, because it is!
  7. What do you want to be doing in exactly one year?
  8. How do you want others to see you in the New Year?
  9. Get creative, create a vision board for the New Year! (Great way to visualize what youa re working for!)
  10. How will you help others reach their goals and aspirations this year?
  11. Think about your New Year’s resolutions, do they make you excited or nervous? Write about why you think that is.
  12. Is there anything you want to do for others this year? Write about how that will help you!
  13. What made you happiest last year, and how can you bring that into the new year?
  14. Create a playlist that gives the vibe you want from this New Year! Why does each song fit?
  15. What do you like to do, and how are you going to make time for that in the new year?
  16. Describe the perfect day. Now try and have that every day in the New Year!
  17. What are your worries for the New Year? How can you avoid them or make it through them?
  18. Make your most optemisic predictions for the New Year! If you got evrything you wanted, what does your year look like?
  19. How are you going to fight envy in the new year?
  20. If you won the lottery in the New Year, how would you use the money?
  21. How are you going to find time to relax this year? What will you do while you are relaxing?
  22. List you favorite features of yourself. What do you love about yourself?
Image of someone journaling in a cafe
Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

A Note About New Year’s Resolutions

I think setting new year’s resolutions is a great way to consolidate what you want from the year, and makes it easy to start a plan towards achieving those goals. I have always been a fan of setting goals.

But sometimes it can be stressful, with all the pressure at the beginning of the year, when everyone is making plans and looking into the future.

So, if thinking about and setting New Year’s resolutions starts to become stressful, just don’t make them!

It is totally okay to just exist! No need to make all these grand plans on January 1 because it is just an arbitrary date that someone decided was the beginning of the year. Do what makes you happiest and most comfortable.

Because sometimes, life is just about being you, instead of constantly being a better version of yourself. Being you is good enough!

It has been an incredible year, getting to know my blog and the blogging community. I only started focusing on this blog in the last couple of months of 2021, and I have already seen so much improvement. This makes me all the more motivated to focus all of 2022, and maybe… just maybe… I can achieve my goal of turning my blogging into a business.

So in order to achieve this dream, I want to really focus on my resolutions, and understand why I am doing all this work. It is easy to lose motivation when you don’t remember the why. I use writing as a source of creative freedom and a way to sort my thoughts. These New Year’s journal prompts will help me in that pursuit, and I hope they can help you as well!

Here is hoping 2022 is a great year for everyone!

1 Comment

  1. […] Related: Journal Prompts for a Fresh Start […]

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