You may be looking at me like… enjoying chores? How is that even possible?! Well, it is! Keep reading to find out some tips and tricks to making cleaning fun!

Chores and cleaning are just something that we have to do. It is the unfortunate truth, but something we can’t avoid. A lot of the reason doing chores is so hated is because it was seen as a punishment when we were younger.

“Go clean your room or you can’t play with your toys.”

“You are grounded is you don’t get those dishes done.”

It was never an exciting or positive activity, it was something annoying, and something we had to do.

But don’t worry, we can always unlearn these negative feelings. Just a little bit of excitement and fun can make all the difference in these daily, weekly, and monthly activities.

1. Put on Some Music, a Podcast, or an Audiobook

This is the simplest and easiest way to spice up your cleaning routine. You could sweep in silence, thoughts racing through your head about everything else you would rather be doing. OR, you could sweep/dance to your favorite tunes! Learn something interesting. Get wrapped up in your favorite story!

I prefer listening to audiobooks while I clean, especially mystery or horror. There is nothing like getting completely lost in a story while cleaning, and not even realizing how much work you have actually completed! If that’s not your style, pick a non-fiction book you have been meaning to pick up. Might as well multi-task, and learn a little something while you clean!

And, you know what? This tip is portable! Have some errands to run? Listening to music or a podcast will make that time FLY! Check out this website for some fantastic audiobook recommendations!

There are so many possibilities, so just pop in your earphones and have fun!

2. Make a Game out of It

Someone Sweeping confetti with a broom
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I used to do this when I was a kid, and I swear it made cleaning so much fun. I would ask my mom, or whoever was in the house, to give me a number. Then, I would run to my room and pick up that number of items from my floor, or fold that number of shirts, or dust that number of shelves.

It sounds simple, but I promise, breaking your cleaning into small chunks makes it so much more manageable.

Don’t have anyone else with you? Grab a random number generator on the internet!

Don’t like this game? Get creative! Clean your space in rainbow order! First, put away all the red things, then orange, yellow, and so on. There are so many things you could do while cleaning.

3. Reward Yourself!

This has to be my favorite one. Doing chores around the house is A LOT of work, so might as well make it worth it! What motivates you? Food, TV time, watching tik toks (come on, we all do it). Think of what you love, and what you would work for and use it.

Set a small goal for yourself, like I said, small chunks are easier than the whole. Maybe create a to-do list, and after each task on the list, emptying the dishwasher or watering the plants outside, give yourself a treat! A little chocolate, an episode of your favorite TV show, anything.

Start with small rewards, leaving a big one for the end. Once you have completed your entire to-do list, you can watch a movie, go to your favorite store, or read your favorite book.

Whatever makes you work, right?

4. Make it a Group Activity

I know, it is probably not the most inviting thing, asking others to help you clean, or do chores. But, I remember in college, me and my roommate would have a bawl doing our little “spring cleaning” events every so often, cleaning the entire room together, singing our favorite songs, and laughing. That’s right, you can combine this with tip 1. Even tips 2 & 3! Grab your friends, turn on your favorite music, play some cleaning games, and reward yourself for everything you finish.

There is nothing more bonding than doing chores and running errands together. Don’t ask me why, but it is one of my favorite activities. I will run other people’s errands, I love it so much. Some of the best inside jokes come from days like this.

I promise you, your chores will be done in no time, and you’ll have fun doing it to!

5. Get Excited for the End Result, and Make it a Party

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

I know this one is obvious, but is there anything better than the feeling of a brand new cleaned home. Everything feels shiny and new, you feel productive, the sun is shining, birds are chirping. I’m telling you, there is literally nothing better. So why not revel in that.

It might be hard to start cleaning, but thinking about the end result can bring so much motivation and excitement. Using this excitement, and finding the little joys in life can make even doing chores into a party!

I hope you have so much fun on your next chore day! Let me know in the comments below what your favorite way is to make cleaning a little more fun!

Thanks for stopping by!

Jackie Em


  1. […] Check out these easy ways to make cleaning and housework fun! […]

  2. […] For more cleaning tips, and to learn how to make cleaning more fun, check out this post! […]

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