Oh, how much I wish I could walk down a street, fall leaves crunching under my feet as the wind blows my scarf off my shoulder. That is the dream. But, I live in a place where that isn’t possible, so here I am walking on clean sidewalks, green trees all around me, and sweating because it is still in the 90s in October. No, I’m not bitter at all.

Going anywhere, I always have my earphones in, and I am either have music playing in my ears, or an audiobook. I am an introvert and a homebody, so it is often necessary for me to have that grounding. Also, it just makes me feel like I am in a music video, which is always fun. Like I am living in my own secret world that nobody else knows about.

Back in the summer months, I created a list of songs I was listening to, which you can see here. I thought it would be fun to do the same thing for Autumn. Maybe I will do the other two seasons as well. My music taste pretty much stays the same throughout the year, but here are the songs that really remind me of fall and leaves and pumpkins.

1. Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood

I mean come on, this is the perfect song for fall! It is literally in the title of the song. I remember when this song was on the radio when I was in high school. I have a vivid memory of coming home from dance practice, somehow convincing my dad to get me a decaf pumpkin spiced latte and pumpkin loaf. I sat there and drank my pumpkin coffee, did my homework, and listened to Sweater Weather. Just reminds me of fall.

2. Ophelia by The Lumineers

This song honestly just has a nice beat. I am not actually sure what this song is about, but I get Hamlet vibes, for obvious reasons. I just imagine running around in a flowing white dress and a flower crown on top of my head while I listen to this song.

3. Budapest by George Ezra

George Ezra has one of the deepest, most relaxing voices I have listened to in mainstream music. It is so surprising when you look at him (please look him up) but I love it. This song is just some good walking music. Really boosts my mood when I listen to it.

4. Robin Hood by Anson Seabra

I love Anson Seabra’s voice. Something so relaxing and calming about it. The piano being the main instrument made it all the more meditative. And honestly, the title of the song puts me mentally in a deep forest, running in a big flowing cloak. I love the vibes.

5. At My Weakest by James Arthur

James Arthur just has this way of pulling at my heartstrings. The songs I have listened to really hit different, especially during the colder months. I just feel like curling up in my blankets and listening to the stories he weaves into each song.

6. Bad Blood by Bastille

I have loved Bastille since high school, and here we have another song that I have vivid memories of listening to during the Autumn months. I just feel like every song they put out is very fall, but that might just be because that was when I listened to them the most. Who knows?

7. my future by billie eilish

I have been loving all of billie eilish’s music over the past year. She is such a beautiful new voice in music, and she doesn’t let anyone tell her who she should be. This song in particular is one of her newer releases, and it is a VIBE. The message behind this voice is so self-empowering for young people, I love it.

8. Don’t Give Up by Andy Grammer

Do you ever have a song that you just want to belt out. This is that song for me, except I really can’t sing so it isn’t pretty. But I love the message of this song, and it really gets me pumped to face these fall days.

9. Heather by Conan Gray

Sweaters, cold days, and romance. For many people, this is the definition of fall, and that is exactly what you get from this song. This song makes me want to close my eyes and just sway. It is cozy.

10. Falling by Harry Styles

I was the BIGGEST one direction fan when I was in high school. So, it makes sense that I have graduated to being a fan of Harry Styles. His voice and the artistic quality of his music draws me in. This song is just so full of emotion it makes me feel all the warm and fuzzies.

headphones and phone

It seems like two things are true about the music I listen to during the fall months. A little bit of nostalgia and a little bit of easy listening. Another thing is, I love it when music can make me want to move, but I guess that’s the dancer in me. I just always want to me, let’s throw an improvisation dance party. Whose with me?

Someday I am going to actually make a Spotify account and make these into actual playlists you can listen to. But for know, I hope you find just one song that you like this autumn!

What have you been listening to this month? Let me know in the comments below!

1 Comment

  1. […] can find my Summer playlist from last year here, and my Autumnal playlist here. A lot of those songs are still on my current playlist because I love them so […]

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