I am having so much fun running this blog along with my first site, Bookish Coffee Blog. I love being able to write about other interests in my life that don’t relate to books. One thing that is so different about running a lifestyle blog is that I don’t come across many tags. I am sure there are some out there, but I haven’t come across any of them, and they are everywhere in the book blogging community.

So, I decided to search for myself. I typed “lifestyle autumn tag” into the google search bar and found some posts from various blogs, most of them from 4-5 years ago. Not the most prosperous of choices, but I did come across the blog, Beauty and the Bookshelves, who did The Autumn Tag last year, and I thought it would be fun to do! Click here to see their responses from 2019, and to follow their blog!

Anyway, let’s see what these questions are all about. My very first non-book related tag!

1. What is one candle you Mist light every Autumn?

candle with some books and fake flowers

There is one candle that I will not go fall without burning and that is Leaves from White Barn. I they were ever to decide to discontinue that scent I would be crushed. There is something about the spices and apple in it that make it so cozy and fresh and not too sweet. While I do love a good pumpkin sweet scent, leaves is one I can burn for days and never get tired of.

2. When you think of Autumn, what does it remind you of?

Whenever I think of this season, I get this beautiful aesthetic image in my head of running around in a big sweater and leather books, coffee in my hands, and crunchy leaves under my feet. The image is warm and colorful.

Now, that isn’t exactly how my fall actually looks, based on where I live, but that is absolutely what I see in my head. I just need to go to my favorite city, and then I’ll be able to experience something close to this.

3. What is your all-time favorite Autumn/Halloween movie?

This is so easy, it is definitely Halloweentown! Not only does this film have such a strong spooky/Halloween vibe, but it also holds the nostalgia because I would watch it every year on Disney Channel as a kid. And I still watch it every year, along with the three other movies in the series.

Of course, there are so many Halloween movies that I love to watch like Hocus Pocus, Twitches, and The Nightmare Before Halloween. All of these are wonderful and spooky and get me in the fall mood!

4. Do you have a Halloween costume in mind? If so what is it?

I am never one to actually dress up on Halloween only because I don’t ever leave my house (I am a homebody). So, what I usually do is throw on one of my onesies and cuddle in front of the TV for a night of spooks.

My favorite onesie for Halloween is my black cat onesie, but I also have a Sully onesie from Monster’s Inc., one of my favorite Disney movies.

5. What is your favorite Autumn trend?

Other people can be mad about it or make fun of it, but I love everything being made pumpkin flavored. I don’t care what it is, I will eat pumpkin flavored cereal, donuts, coffee, and ice cream. Seriously, I want to try everything pumpkin flavored, but I don’t think I have enough time in my life for that.

6. When you think of Autumn what drink comes to mind?

top view of an iced coffee

Well, a pumpkin spiced latté of course! I prefer it to be iced, but a warm one is also good on really cool days. What can I say, I love everything pumpkin flavored.

You can check out the pumpkin iced coffee recipe I created here! It is truly delicious and perfect for Autumn.

7. What is your go-to Autumn beauty product? A must-have staple!

Well, I am definitely not a beauty guru by any standards, so I am going to answer this question by saying lotion. My hands get so dry during the fall and winter, and it has been 10 times worse with all the hand washing I have been doing to stop the spread of COVID-19. So I have been absolutely lathering on lotion and hand cream every day to avoid lizard hands!

8. Do you prefer apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Apple pie! I know, after all this talk about how I love everything pumpkin flavored and I go and choose apple pie. It is a consistency thing with my and pumpkin pie. I cannot put that much mush into my mouth and eat it. I can’t do guacamole either for the same reason.

But, if we are being completely honest, I don’t really like pie overall.

9. Do you have any Autumn traditions? If so tell us all about it!

The only tradition I can think of is on Halloween. Every Halloween I make myself a themed dinner. I have made mummy calzones and hot dogs, jack o lantern quesadillas and stuffed bell peppers. And for desert, cookies with spider chocolate chips on top. I love making my meal fit the holiday, and Halloween is the best holiday to do it with.

10. The moment of truth, is Autumn your favorite season?

I think we can all safely assume my answer here… YES!

wicker pumpkin, leaves, and candle on a white bed

Wow, it was so refreshing to answer questions that weren’t about books. Don’t get me wrong, books are my favorite. But answering some purely fall questions was really fun!

Do any of our answers line up or differ for these questions? Let me know in the comments below!

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