Goodness, do I need some self-care right now. My mental health has been taking some hits recently, and I have definitely been feeling down and out lately, and if I keep banging my head against a wall, nothing is going to change. Which is why I am going to do something about it.
There are 101 different types of self-care activities for me to choose from, and what works for some people might not work for others. But because we are in the middle of my favorite season ever, why not make my self-care routine a little more fun with some fall-themed activities! A lot of the activities I am going to talk about in this post, I have already written whole posts about, so definitely check some of those out! Anyway, here are a few of my favorite self-care activities to do during the Autumn season.
1. Take a warm bath

Okay, the weather is FINALLY getting cool enough for me to even consider taking a warm bath. For the past couple of months, it has been so hot I have even been taking cold showers just to cool down. It would be 2 in the morning and I would be sitting on my bed, sweating and miserable with two tiny fans on me, trying to cool down.
But… now that it is the middle of October, the universe is blessing me with some cooler weather. I was sitting outside today and I was actually cold! It felt so good, and you know what that means? That means I can finally draw myself a nice warm bath, throw some fall scented bubble bath in there, light a fall scented candle, and relax!
2. Drink some pumpkin spiced tea
Well, it really could be any delicious tea, but since this is a fall-themed self-care list, I figure I would mention the delicious pumpkin-spiced tea I have been drinking lately.
My whole life, I have always considered myself a coffee drinker. But with my anxiety, coffee, even decaf, is not good, and really impacts my ability to relax and sleep. So recently I have switched to non-caffeinated herbal tea and oh my gosh! People weren’t lying when they said drinking warm tea can calm your nerves. I think it has something to do with the heat running through my chest when I drink it, but dang it feels so calming and relaxing. It is definitely the self-care I need.
3. Make a list of what I am grateful for

This doesn’t have to be a physical list, but with the holidays coming soon in the states, it is the perfect time to sit and reflect on everything we are grateful for. It is so easy to just go through life, focusing on the difficulties and frustrations. Trust me, I do that too. But it is also easy to stop and think about what is good in your life. It is a simple yet effective way to care for yourself and your mental well-being.
The things you are grateful for can be big or small. As for me, I am grateful for the health of my family and friends, and my collection of fun crew socks that I can wear every day. It doesn’t have to be dramatic, or it can be. Whatever you want!
4. Doing something fall related every day
Whether that is eating a pumpkin flavored food or lighting a pumpkin scented candle, I like to do something small and autumnal every day. Not only is it enjoyable, but it also resets my mind at the end of the day and reminds me that I am currently in my favorite season of the year, I shouldn’t be wasting it being unhappy or stressed.
Another fall thing I love doing is having a movie marathon! You can check out this post for some of my favorite Halloween movies to add to my marathons!
Tonight, for self-care I am watching The Haunting of Hill House while drinking some tea!
One thing I need to focus on is actually focusing on my self-care. Do you ever start something and think, oh I should be doing this or that instead. I am currently writing this post while watching The Haunting of Hill House instead of stopping and enjoying some time to myself with no responsibilities. There are always so many things that need to get done, it is so easy to think that self-care is at the bottom of the priority list. But it isn’t! You are going to be more motivated to work when you feel good about being you.
Let me know your favorite self-care activity in the comments below! I would love to know!