This year, I am on a mission to romanticize my life. I want to enjoy the little things, appreciate life, and treat myself like the main character in my favorite rom-com film. In this effort, one thing I am doing is I am prioritizing myself. In order to do this, I will be talking about how to take yourself on a date.
Often, I see my worth in relation to others. I am always focused on how helpful I can be to others, how I am presenting myself to others, and what others think of me. This has taken a serious toll on my mental health.
But if I am going to stop that, I have to make a conscious effort to focus on myself. I am a pretty cool person, and I shouldn’t be defining myself based on other people’s views.
And I know I am not the only one facing this. This is probably a shared experience amongst many other 20-something-year-olds who are just trying to find their place in the world while also trying to make sure they have enough money to pay rent.
So, my plan for the New Year is to treat myself how I want to be treated. Stop the negative talk that is constantly running through my head and take myself out on a date.
As an introvert, I have a lot of ways to spend time alone. Whether I am pampering myself with a spa day or cuddling in a movie marathon, I am well-versed in spending time with myself.
But I don’t often go out, dress up, and treat myself to something nice. It is an important skill, learning to go out and be confident on your own, and that is something I will be working on in 2022. And that is the whole premise behind taking yourself out on a date.
What is a Solo Date?
You probably know what a date is. Spending time with people you love, doing something together, and developing your relationships and connections. That is a pretty common occurrence in today’s society, for people who feel emotional or sexual attraction.
But a date doesn’t necessarily have to be done with others. When you go on a date alone, that is considered a solo date.
A solo date is taking yourself out, treating yourself like royalty, and spending quality time with yourself. You can go to a nice dinner, or go on a shopping date. Whatever it is, a solo date only involves you. It can actually be good to be selfish sometimes.
There are infinite possibilities for what to do on solo dates, and I will talk about a few of them later on in this post. But the most important thing is you do something that makes you happy. This is about you and no one else. You don’t even need to ask anyone else in the decision about where to eat or what to do, it is all up to you. How exciting!

Why Should You Learn How to Take Yourself out on a Date?
Despite being a fun experience, what are the other reasons why you should learn how to take yourself out on a date?
- Learn how to be alone with yourself
- Make yourself feel special
- Treat yourself
- Learn to trust yourself
- Romanticize your life
- Learn more about yourself and how your thought processes work
- Improve your self-confidence
I think a lot of people realized over quarantines and lockdowns that they might not be entirely comfortable being alone with themself. Whether it is the racing thoughts or the defining silence, it can be a little uncomfortable to be alone.
But it is also a great skill to have because being comfortable with yourself will make you more comfortable as yourself with others. Hopefully, in the end, it will improve your self-confidence.
Solo Date Ideas
When figuring out how to take yourself out on a date, it might be hard to think of ideas of what to actually do.
When coming up with your solo date plans, think of something that is out of your norm. Don’t go to restaurants you frequent or malls you go to all the time. You want your day to be as special and exciting as possible. It will make it all the more exciting.
And before every date, buy yourself flowers! They smell good, they are pretty, they brighten up any room, and they make you feel special!
Here are some ideas, but you can get as creative as you want!

1. Take a Cooking or Crafting Class
I always see couples in Hallmark movies take cooking classes. They always end up having a flour fight or kissing over the food they just created. But why can’t you do that with yourself?
There are a lot of places that offer cooking classes. Or you could check your local craft stores for classes in a hobby you have been meaning to pick up.
It is like a 2-in-1 deal. You get a date and a new skill all at once!
2. Take Yourself out to Dinner
Dress up, go to a fancy or new restaurant, and enjoy a meal all by yourself. Choose a new restaurant or one that makes your favorite types of food.
The most important point in this solo date is to make yourself feel special. So, if you are able to splurge, do it! Or go into the next town, to a restaurant that you have never been to before. Somewhere that feels new and exciting.
3. Go See a Movie You are Excited About
I have been so excited to see Spiderman: No Way Home since it came out last month, but I have found no one to go with me! I was so sad for a while, thinking I wouldn’t be able to see it until it came out on DVD. That was until I remembered that I can take myself to the movie, I don’t need anyone else.
That is the perfect idea for a date by yourself, especially if you make it special. Buy any candy, popcorn, and drink you want and sit back, enjoying the movie. No need to worry about how you look watching the movie, or what you will say afterward. (Is that just me that thinks about those things?)
4. Go on a Shopping Date
If you are going to treat yourself, why not take yourself on a shopping date. Head to the mall or your favorite store, take a leisurely stroll around, look at all the products, and find something that puts a smile on your face.
Or if you are in the mood to save money, just window shop. I always feel like I can get lost in the crowd when I’m shopping, it’s a good feeling.
5. Visit a Museum or Art Exhibit
I love walking around museums. As someone who loves quiet, low stimulating situations, museums are the perfect place for me to visit alone.
I enjoy walking around, taking as much time as I need at every exhibit, and absorbing the information or art. it is a very comforting and relaxing experience.
After the museum, visit a local café or coffee shop and take time to absorb everything you saw. I can’t think of a better way to romanticize your life than pretending to be the main character in a rom-com, and this feels like a scene straight out of your favorite one.
6. Go on a Hike
If you are in need of a visit to nature and to get some Vitamin-D, a great option for a date with yourself would be to take a hike!
Look online for nature reserves or parks around you that have easy hiking paths that you are comfortable taking alone. There is something so refreshing about being out with nature. It fixes all those vibrations that have gone askew because of the high-frequency electronics we use every day.

Note About Feeling Awkward on Solo Dates
Learning how to take yourself on a date can be very awkward. We are conditioned to feel sorry for someone sitting at a restaurant alone. Or when we are alone, we feel like everyone is staring at us, but I promise, they are not. In most cases, everyone is so focused on their own life and what is right in front of them, they are too busy to worry about the fact that you are going to a movie alone.
So try not to worry about how you look on your solo date. It will definitely feel awkward in the beginning, but that is a-okay. Because once you get through that, you may find that you are having a really good time.
I don’t know about you, but I want to make the most of the time I have with myself. Although I spend a lot of time alone, taking that extra step and making a special evening or treating myself to something nice really does boost my mood.
And honestly, I will take any mood booster I can get my hands on with this COVID variant, Omicron, and the new one that I can’t even name. Looks like 2022 might be difficult, but I don’t want it to be bad. So I will be doing everything in my power to avoid that.
Stay safe out there friends!
Oh wow, I love this and absolutely needed it! I’m with you, in 2022 I’m romanticizing my life and taking time for myself to spend with myself. I know that I would feel awkward on solo dates, but that’s absolutely unnecessary. It’s actually super important to spend time alone. I love going to the museum as well, so I definitely wanna do that more. In general I tend to only do things I like when a friend or my boyfriend is joining me. If they are busy, I get sad because I think I can’t do these things when in reality, I absolutely can.
Thank you for the reminder <3
Lots of love,
Krissi of the marquise diamond
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post! I agree with you 100%, it can feel so awkward being alone, but once you get used to it, it is wonderful! As you said, you will still be able to do stuff that you love when your friends and loved ones are busy! I love that a solo date can give that to you! I hope both you and I can find some time for ourselves this year!
[…] date! Grab your favorite meal, go to the movie theatres, or whatever will make you happy! Check out this post for a ton of solo date ideas that would be perfect for celebrating your birthday as an […]