Dear Halloween,

It has come time for the finale of the Autumn season. In society anyway, because after today, everything is about the winter season. But today, we get to celebrate all that is spooky and dark. We get to celebrate all the pumpkins, ghosts, and ghouls.

As I walk around my neighborhood today, I am seeing all the spooky decorations greatly improving the look of my neighbor’s houses. Despite the difficult year, you somehow still bring your joy to our doorstep, with the spooky ghost we put in our yard each year.

Halloween is full of dark and scary things, but that only exists to remind us of the love that we have around us. Without that love, we wouldn’t be so scared of a trapped soul or a terrifying villain. Without love, Halloween would be pointless. So when that scary movie gives you a fright, remember the warmth that brought you to this place.

Thank you, Halloween for bringing all the sweets! I could not go a Halloween night without chomping down on some candy corn and reading a spooky story. There is something special about eating candy on Halloween. Even as an adult, the candy just tastes better. It has a little Halloween magic mixed in with the chocolate and nougat.

There is nothing better than dressing up on Halloween. Whether you go big with and elaborate costume, or go small with a simple onesie, dressing up on Halloween is the best.

With everything from candy to spooky movies, there is so much to love about this holiday. So thanks Halloween, for being one of my favorite days of the year. There is nothing better than you!



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