Do you ever read something so powerful and relatable that you feel it deep in your chest? Wow, I know, that is a little dramatic. But sometimes I just read something and we know that it was meant for me. As a reader, I come across this a lot. Sometimes I am reading a piece of fiction that hits me so close to home, or a character that I identify with so much, and it feels so good. That is why representation in media is so important… but that is a whole other blog post.

Sometimes, it is just nice to read writing about something you love so much, and that is why I love reading so much. Right now I am loving fall and everything it is bringing. I have been focusing on all the little aspects of this season that bring me so much joy. Yes, this year has been strange and unnatural. It has definitely not been the best, but there are so many things to be grateful for.

Sometimes it helps to stop and “smell the roses,” as they say. Stop and take time to appreciate what is good around us, instead of worrying about all the negativity and fear for the future. It is definitely difficult, but it can be so beneficial for your well-being.

Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wonder on this their only chance to soar.

Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing

As a wannabe author, I adore reading how other authors describe anything. Seasons, plants, people, etc. I love getting a glimpse into the creative mind and seeing how something is interpreted. Autumn is all about the falling leaves, but what if those leaves weren’t falling?

It only takes a little time to think of something in a completely different way, and it may just impact your outlook on your day… or your life.

Autumn… the year’s last, loveliest smile.

William Cullen Bryant

I absolutely adore this quote. Usually, when you think of Autumn you might think of everything dying. The weather is getting cooler, so the plants start to die off. But instead of looking at it like that, this author decided to see it as the year leaving the stage with a smile.

Also, this quote just proves that you don’t need a lot of words to make an impact.

Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.

Emily Bronte

This one speaks to me by the simplicity of describing my feelings for fall. It is what is says it is, “bliss.” This quote feels very whimsical, and perfectly describes the feeling of walking through a cool day, a warm cup of apple cider cupped in my hands.

Sometimes, I need to remember this feeling of bliss and hold it close to my heart before it slips away.

Autumn whispered to the wind, ‘I fall; but always rise again

Angie Welland-Crosby

This is a quote that reminds me that autumn is an ever changing season. We live year after year, shocked when each one goes by. Come on, I know you have said, “I can’t believe it is already October,” at least once this month. But I feel like we never really appreciate the changing seasons that we get to experience. At least, I don’t. But fall rises again and again each year, and I want to do everything in my power to preserve that. Save the planet! Vote for people who will!

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.

John Donne

And the final quote I am including in this post speaks to the beauty I see everyday in the fall season, and it is that beauty that gives me all the bliss I feel this time of year. I am not lucky enough to have colorful autumns full of red, orange, and yellow leaves. But there are other things that I find so beautiful about fall, and I can’t wait to spend the next month or so focusing on them.

pen on notebook with fall decor in the background

These quotes have inspired me so much this year to look at things differently. To focus on finding the beautiful in everyday that I live, and to find new ways to describe things I live and see all the time. This is so important right now, when there is so much to be worried about or angry about.

There is so much to learn from writing. As a reader and a writer, I adored these quotes and the life lessons that they give without even meaning to.

What has been inspiring you lately? Have any favorite autumnal quotes? Let me know in the comments below!

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