It’s hot. There is no getting past that. No matter how many pumpkin spiced lattés I drink, and apple cinnamon candles I burn, there is no mistaking the heat. And for me, this heat brings all the laziness out in me. All I want to do is chill on a lawn chair, reading a good book with a smoothie in hand. However, I also work really hard at staying healthy, because with the holidays coming up, I want to remain as happy and healthy as ever so I can enjoy everything the season has to offer. I want to feel good during my favorite time of year, and I feel my best when I am moving my body. So, I have compiled a list of 5 ways to stay active when it is too hot outside so that I can feel active and healthy all year long.

One of my favorite ways to stay active is to take my dogs for long walks. It is so easy to lose myself in my thoughts, or a good audiobook, while walking my dogs. However, for the past couple of weeks, it has been anywhere from 80-100 degrees Fahrenheit outside, which is way too hot for me and my dogs. I would dehydrate way too quickly, and my dog’s paw pads would burn. Both of these things are not worth it.

So, I have had to move my fitness regime inside for the time being, where I have shade… and sometimes an air conditioner. There are a lot of things you can do, and the most important thing is to have fun while doing it. Keeping your body moving is super important for your physical health, but you might as well enjoy it too. Don’t go for long runs just because people tell you to. There is a myriad of different options, you just have to find one you enjoy.

Warning for my fellow introverts. A lot of these activities involve having other people around, but you don’t have to talk too much if you don’t want to! Plus, I include some introvert and COVID-friendly options as well, if you don’t want to leave the house.

yoga mats of multiple colors  stacked on a shelf
Photo by Jordan Nix on Unsplash

1. Pilates/Yoga

During the summer I try to focus on indoor activities rather than outdoor activities, and one of the most popular forms of exercise in my area is Yoga. There is a yoga studio on every street corner. Pilates is the same way. Both of these can be done at any level, and have amazing benefits for your well-being, both physically and mentally.

Don’t have any studios near you, or not in the mood to exercise with other people? I am with you, especially with the pandemic still running rampant. You can still do yoga and mat pilates at home. Simply go on Youtube and search up “yoga class” or “mat pilates for beginners.” You are going to see so many videos from professionals and beginners sharing their routines with you. Follow along! It can be a fun and free way to see if you even like yoga or pilates. While doing these videos, be careful in making sure you don’t overexert yourself or hurt yourself. Use beginner-friendly videos, and know the limits of your body.

There are also a ton of other exercise classes that gyms and rec centers hold inside an air-conditioned room. Research for activities around you!

2. Dance

This is another activity I love because it is indoors. I also just love to dance. I have my Bachelor of the Arts in dance, and I have such a huge love for the art form. Plus, it is a wonderful way to stay active. There are so many different styles of dance to try as well. If you are not a ballet fan, try some hip hop or jazz. There is also contemporary, modern, funk, tap, musical theatre, and so much more. Do a little research and see what style you like and go from there.

I will say, it can be difficult to find adult beginner classes if you don’t live in big cities like New York or Los Angeles, which I don’t. There is only one studio near me that does adult geared beginner classes and it is 30 minutes away. So, just like with Yoga, you can find SO MANY resources online, a lot of them being free. I love to look up “ballet barre” or “full jazz class.” There are so so many, ranging in all styles and technique levels.

You can also try barre fitness classes as well if you don’t want to go into a full-on dance class. They use a lot of the same principles of ballet, with more of a fitness approach rather than an artistic/aesthetic approach. I absolutely love barre classes.

Give it a go! And dance like no one is watching because if you are home, no one actually is.

Try this Beginner Barre class with Kathryn Morgan! Everything is fully explained, and a great place to start.

3. Swimming

This one is also one of my absolute favorites. There is no better feeling on a steaming hot day than to dip into a nice 78-degree pool and wade around. It is so refreshing and gets rid of all my hot weather grumpies.

This one can be more difficult to have access to. Unless you have your own pool or a community center you have access to, it can be difficult to find a place to swim. Plus, there are no fully free options to swim, because even if you have a beach or lake near you, you often have to pay for parking. So, I rarely get a chance to swim.

But, if you find yourself with access to a pool or lake, make the trip a little more active by swimming laps. It is so comfortable to relax on a pool floaty with a lemonade in hand, but moving your body will also feel so good.

Bonus, when you sweat in the water, you can’t even tell! Bonus #2, this is super easy on your bones and joints!

4. Get Some Chores Done

This one may sound silly, but I can’t be the only one who gets a little sweaty while I am doing my weekly chores. Vacuuming the stairs is a huge task, I can definitely feel my blood pumping. So, kill two birds with one stone and get some of those chores that you have been putting off done. Do a deep cleaning of the hardwood floors, vacuum every room in the house, or take the time to dust all those picture frames that have been collecting dust.

Chores can be a drag, so make it fun! Blast some music and dance around with the broom. Make a game of it. The more fun you have, the more active you will be! And you get to stay in your air-conditioned room. What’s better than that?

Check out these easy ways to make cleaning and housework fun!

5. Mall Walking

This one is a very mid-western thing… I think, but whenever I visit my grandparents we always have to make a trip to the local mall for some walking! Like I said at the beginning of this post, one of my favorite ways to stay active is going for long walks. I find them very relaxing and therapeutic while also raising my heart rate a little. But with the heat lately, I am unable to do that outside. So I just take my walks inside.

I have a fit bit that counts my steps every day, and I get very competitive with myself at achieving that 10,000 steps that are recommended for a healthy lifestyle. But that can get so difficult when I spend all day at my computer writing and working on my blogs. I definitely have days when I get almost 0 steps in. So when it’s too hot to walk outside, I take it inside and walk around my local mall! I pop my earbuds in, and make my rounds on the bottom and top floors, stopping in a store if I find something interesting! My mall isn’t that big so it takes a couple of rounds to feel like I have walked enough. Make a date of it by bringing a friend!

This one can be difficult for my wallet though because I have impulsivity issues, but if I tell myself I am only allowed to window shop I usually do a pretty good job at restraining myself. Plus, I don’t want to have to carry around any purchases while I finish my walk. I also don’t take my dogs on these adventures because they are not… behaved. But I know at my mall a couple of people bring their well-mannered dogs with them. But always check the rules of your mall so you and your pup have a good time without any trouble.

Pink yoga mat with a yoga block, weights, and a towel on top
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

There is that physics law that says “a body in motion will stay in motion and a body at rest will stay at rest.” This applies to humans as well. The more you get up and move, the more likely you are to continue and the easier it gets. So find something fun to do, and go for it. It can be hard, especially for me, to be a beginner at something, but everyone starts somewhere. So take a chance, you might find something you really enjoy.

Also, don’t forget your mask! We are still very much in a dangerous place with the Delta Variant of COVID-19, so stay safe. A lot of activities to beat the heat are inside, so a mask is always essential!

Let me know in the comments below what you do to stay fit when it is way too hot to be outside! I would love some suggestions!

Thanks for reading!


  1. avatar

    I love this post! I live in Dubai where, 3-4 months of the year it’s too hot to even walk outside! And the humidity….
    I love the idea of swimming, but unfortunately most of the pools here are all outside (well fortunately in the nicer months I guess). My friend and I have done some Mall walking before though as we have the largest mall in the world here so we get some good steps counted there 🙂

    1. avatar says:

      Oh, the humidity is the worst! I think that is worse than the heat. Too bad all your pools are outside! So jealous of your large mall though. It would be so nice not to pass the same store over and over again as I walk haha!

  2. avatar

    Yes! I love this post and all of your ideas! I went swimming the other day in the sea and loved it xx

    1. avatar says:

      It is so cool and refreshing on the beach. It is too bad I am a little afraid of the ocean, so I rarely go more than one foot into the water haha!

  3. avatar

    When I used to run, I would just go early on before it got too hot! I’m terrible in the heat so running when it’s really warm isn’t a good idea for me!

    Corinne x

    1. avatar says:

      I love the idea of going in the morning. I just struggle to wake up haha! And when I try in the evenings I usually wait too long, and it becomes dark and I don’t like going out alone in the dark. Such a struggle!

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