Do you know how many mugs teachers receive each year? Because I do! With a teacher in my family, I can walk downstairs right now to find a cabinet full of mugs with various Christmas designs, or ones that say “#1 Teacher” on them. This cabinet fills up each year, and yet all the mugs sit in there, unused. Teachers get gifts all the time, and they are always given with good intentions. But if you want those good intentions to actually be used, rather than donated to a thrift store, keep reading for some teacher gift ideas.

Being a teacher is such an important job, but it can be very draining. Teachers will give the shirt off their back for a student, but they don’t always get supported the same way. With budget cuts and state standards, they are often buying their own supplies for their classroom and figuring out how to teach an enriching and exciting class while following a ton of guidelines. So, a little appreciation can go a long way.

There is also no bad time for teacher gifts. A lot of the time, gifts come during the holidays and the end of the year. While those are always appreciated, unexpected gifts are also super nice. Imagine coming into work and finding a small gift on your desk. It feels good, and everyone can use some good feeling, especially now. Teachers help young people develop vital skills that they will use for the rest of their lives with not enough pay. They deserve a little something every once in a while.

Check out this post for gifts for the workaholic in your life! Some of these might work for teachers as well. Actually, most of them would work.

Disclaimer: The post contains affiliate links. I make a small commission from every purchase made through these links, which help keep this blog running. Thank you for your support.

1. Giftcards

This is number one on my list because it is by far the best gift received by teachers. As much as teachers love those adorable coffee mugs with apple and pencil images on them, a nice cup of coffee from their favorite coffee shop works just as well, maybe even better. Coffee is the lifeblood of educators and having a nice cup of coffee that they didn’t have to make themselves is such a nice treat before a long day of work.

Want to personalize it? I know a lot of the time, giving a gift card as a gift feels like a cop-out or a last-minute gift. But there are ways to make it more personal. Find out the teacher’s favorite restaurant or book store and surprise them with something they are sure to love. Or have the student create a handmade card to hold the gift.

Even five dollars goes a long way for educators, so find a new coffee shop or teaching store near the school and give a gift that will actually be used.

2. Teaching Supplies

Like I said at the beginning of this post, teachers often have to buy their own supplies for their students and their classroom. Unfortunately, funding for education in public schools is often really low, and a lot of schools can only afford so much.

So, if you are looking for a gift that will actually be useful, think about gifting some supplies. Some things that are always appreciated are whiteboard markers, colorful pens for grading, adorable sticky notes, and fun/decorative file folders.

Like this adorable 12-pack of file folders on Amazon with an adorable floral pattern. (Click the image to purchase)

Some of this stuff isn’t necessary for the running of a classroom, but it makes teachers feel good, which is the whole point of gifts, right?

3. Food

And not the homemade kind. Listen, I know your students (or you) put a lot of work into those homemade cookies, and the teachers see that and appreciate that so much. However, most of the time, those treats end up sitting around until they are eventually thrown away. Of course, I am sure there are teachers who love and eat them, but not all of them.

Some teachers don’t eat food that was not store-bought in fear of becoming ill, or not knowing if any of their allergins are in the food. So, a safe bet is to buy some store-bought, and widely enjoyed foods, like chocolate, prepackaged Oreos, or coffee grounds. The teachers know what they are eating, and can make informed decisions about the food they put into their bodies. And don’t worry, if they end up not liking the food, it is sure to be enjoyed by other teachers in the teacher’s lounge.

And feel free to ask what they want. Give them a note that says you will bring them their favorite lunch one day. Teachers only gets 30 minutes to eat their lunch, and they are often interrupted by other teachers with questions or student who need help on homework. So, It is a nice treat to get a prepared meal and would make anyone happy.

4. Movie Tickets

Pretty common for people to enjoy going to the movies, might as well make it easy for them. Give them a little movie kit with candy, tickets, and a gift card for dinner. Give your student’s teacher a nice night out with friends or family.

Teachers, along with most of us, often forget to do things they enjoy. They are so focused on grading papers and preparing lessons that they don’t take time for themselves. Give them no choice by buying the tickets for them.

5. Coloring Books

Look, I know what you are thinking. Aren’t coloring books for the students, not the teachers? Yes and no. As a full-fledged adult, one of my favorite things to do are those adult coloring books with super intricate designs, and patterns. There is nothing more relaxing than shutting off my brain and focusing on something that doesn’t take any thought.

Speaking with the teacher in my family, she wants nothing more than to shut off all brain power and not think about work during the weekends. I think we could all use that. So why not make it into a gift, and find some coloring pencils or markers to go with it. Throw it all in an adorable gift bag, or tote bag if you are feeling eco-friendly, and there you have it. A wonderful and relaxing gift.

Try this coloring book from Johanna Basford! They are my absolute favorite illustrator, and they have so many different options and themes for coloring books for a pretty inexpensive price. (Click the image to purchase)

6. Something Personal

This one is a little more difficult to describe, but if you know that a teacher loves something, get them something personal and related to their favorite things. For example, I had a teacher who was obsessed with Star Wars. Their entire classroom was built around this theme, and it even went into their lesson planning. So when it came time to buy them a gift, I decided on an adorable Star Wars keychain for their lanyard that they wore around their neck every day.

Nothing is more appreciated than feeling heard. With teachers talking all day to a sometimes unresponsive class, it is so fantastic to learn that a student might have actually learned something, even if it wasn’t about the subject at hand.

7. Books

And I am not talking about ones related to their subject. Don’t buy them history textbooks or science information guides. I am talking about escapism fiction. Sometimes, all we want to do is get away. Get away from the stressors and pressures of work and life. That isn’t always possible, especially for teachers during the school year.

So, make it a little easier on them by gifting them a book to escape into. There are so many important and intriguing stories, you are sure to find one you can gift. Maybe gift them your favorite book or your student’s favorite book.

If you are struggling to find one, check out my book blog here to find hundreds of recommendations from me!

I think my favorite people to buy gifts for are teachers. I love giving people joy, especially people who deserve it. Teachers work so hard for our students, it is the least we can do to make them feel heard and understood. And it just feels good to see the joy spread across someone’s face when they receive a gift. Gift-giving can be a little selfish too.

So, put away that teacher mug and ignore that set of sickly-smelling hand lotions to try one of these gifts. I guarantee they will be used and loved.

And comment down below if you have any ideas for teacher gifts. I am always looking to expand my list!

Thanks for reading!

1 Comment

  1. […] Pair the Halloween tea set with the perfect Halloween mug! Trust me, nobody can have too many mugs. Except for maybe teachers. […]

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