Dear Autumn,

The other day, I was sitting in my living room, sipping on a pumpkin spiced coffee and reading a book, when I got an overwhelming feeling of ease. This year has been crazy, and as they say, unprecedented, but one thing that I knew would come was the autumn season. This time of year is a constant, and it never fails to put a smile on my face. I knew that I would be able to find that joy that autumn brings, even if it was for the little things. Because finding joy in life reminds me that this world isn’t as horrible as my brain makes it out to be.

Slowly, but surely, that joy is coming. The air is getting chillier. It is a time for pumpkin spiced lattés and apple cider donuts. It is a time for walks in the park and spooky movie marathons. It is a time for everything cozy, including my favorite and softest blanket covered in jack-o-lanterns. It is small things like this that make fall my favorite season.

open book and fall decorations

When you put red, orange, and yellow together, something magical happens. Where I live, I don’t get to see the trees turn these beautiful colors, but I experience it through books and films. Mystery, horror, and magic, it is all perfect for the cozy season. Some of my favorite storytelling happens this time of year. From the dark to the mysterious, from the cozy to the spooky, these are months where stories like this shine. Thank you Autumn for giving the perfect weather for these stories. As soon as a cloud is in the sky, my candle is lit, and a horror novel is in my hands.

Thank you, Autumn. Thank you for taking away the suffocating heat of summer and replacing it with a refreshing chill. There is nothing better than pulling out my sweater collection and throwing on some warm gloves and a scarf. Fall fashion is by far the cutest and the comfiest. It is finally time to crack out my huge collection of sweaters.

Autumn is a time for growth. Fall brings us the ability to reflect on how our year went. We can start thinking about what we want to accomplish in the coming year, and set goals that will keep us motivated and productive. Thank you, Autumn, for being the time I get most stuff done. That end of year push is coupled amazingly with my pumpkin decorations and vanilla-scented candles.

Autumn, you are truly the best season. So thank you for everything you give, and revitalizing my love for life.


Jackie Em


  1. avatar

    Autumn can be so enchanting but I dread its dark side. Early sunset, cold, wind, and rain can take quite an unfortunate toll

    1. avatar says:

      Definitely agree with you there! It can be a hard time as well to stay positive!

  2. […] As I said, my room does not ever feel as warm, inviting, and wonderful as it does during Autumn. All of the pops of color, fun pumpkins, and surprise Halloween guests make me truly appreciate this time of year as I mentioned in my love letter to this season! […]

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