Today is World Mental Health Day. October 10th marks the day that the World Health Organization celebrates and spreads awareness about mental health. For some of us, mental health is on our minds every day. I have talked about it a couple of times on this blog, but for myself and my mental health, I make sure I have time for self-care, time to connect with my inner child, and time for doing things I love. Another thing I like to do for my mental health is journaling. This is why I am here today with a list of journal prompts for fall.
As a writer, I get some of my best thinking done while writing, and so I love looking for journal prompts that help me look at things in a completely new way. Writing about what I am thinking and feeling has been so helpful, especially over the past couple of years.
Yesterday, I talked about staying in the present moment and enjoying the Autumn season through quotes and positive affirmations. This world is full of so many creative writers and thinkers who talk about such interesting and unique perspectives on things we all experience, like the changing of seasons. I love reading about these perspectives, but I also love creating these perspectives myself, and I do that through journaling.
For more information on WHO’s Mental Health Day, and events that are occurring, you can check out this page. For resources and help, look at this page from Mental Health First Aid, with a bunch of useful information, crisis hotlines, and more.
Why Journaling?
One of the most common pieces of advice when it comes to mental health is to talk to someone. It is so important that you don’t keep negative self-talk in your head, as it will continue on a feedback loop forever. I know this, and I’m sure most people have heard this advice. However, sometimes it can be so difficult to tell someone what you are feeling, or even find someone you feel comfortable enough to talk to. And unfortunately, therapy is expensive and inaccessible to a lot of people.
So, as another outlet to getting thoughts out of your head, there is journaling. Writing down both negative and positive thoughts gets them off of your chest. I have found it super helpful at the end of the day when my head is full of racing thoughts. Getting them out of my head removes some of the mental fog, and allows me to sort through exactly what I am feeling.
The best part of journaling is you can be as creative or not creative as you want. Sometimes, I just want to take a pen and paper, and write down everything in huge lists and paragraphs. And sometimes my thoughts are more abstract, and I choose to paint or draw what I am feeling. There is no right or wrong way to journal!
Journal Prompt Ideas for Fall
Alright, now for some journal prompt ideas for fall. Use this list as a starting point, and get creative. Write what you are feeling, and let those emotions take you wherever they want to go.
- Name 10 things you are grateful for and why
- Make a list of people you appreciate and why
- Is fall your favorite season? Explain why
- Make a list of things you can do this Autumn to help others
- Make a list of your favorite things about yourself, a very long list!
- Write out your perfect Autumn evening, now go do it!
- Create a bucket list for this season, think of things that will bring you joy
- What goals do you have for the rest of the year, and how can you achieve them
- Make a goals list for one year from now, five years, ten years…
- Make a list of things that scare you and write about why they are not that scary
- Get creative, write a ghost story about your past self
- Is there a famous ghost story in your town? Write about whether it scares you or not
- Cut up old magazines and make a collage representing how fall makes you feel
- Name 5 things you regret from the past year, and figure out how to avoid repeating them
- List 5 foods you love eating during Autumn
- List 5 essentials you always have with you during the fall season
- Write a letter to yourself for this time next year
- Write a letter to your younger self, how has your life changed?
- List 10 things you enjoyed about Halloween when you were a kid and try to enjoy these things again
- Rewatch your favorite Halloween movies from your childhood and write about the experience
- Talk aboout your worst Autumn memory
- Talk about your favorite Autumn memory
- What emotiones do you usually feel this time of year? Make a list of both the good and the bad
- The days are getting shorter, come up with ideas on how to make the most of every day
- Name 5 people that you can talk to when you are feeling down during the cooler months
- Connect with your inner child by creating leaf imprints in your journal with fall leaves
- Try your hand at poetry! Write poems about the beauty of Autumn
- Does your family have traditions during fall months? Write about those
- Create a list of ideas for new traditions that you and your loved ones can do this time of year
- If you were to trick or treat with anyone in the world, who would it be?
- Create the perfect Thanksgiving guest list, who are you inviting?
- If you could spend thanksgiving anywhere in the world, where would it be
- If you could go back and spend Halloween in school again, would you? Why or why not?
- Make a list of Halloween costumes you wish you could have worn as a kid
- Write about a vivd memory you have from your childhood during the cooler months
- If you could adopt any woodland creature as a pet, what would it be and why
- Walk around your neighborhood with a camera. Print out your favorite pictures and create Autumnal captions
- Make a hand turkey! Just for fun
- Find an Autumnal quote that speaks to you, write about why you connect with it so much
- Fall is all about change, what would you like to change in your life?
- Do you like change, or does it make you anxious?
- Write about a time you experienced a big change. Was is good or bad? Why?
- Press some fall foliage you find around town into your journal for a pop of color
- Have you ever dreamt of trying something new? Try it and write about your experience!
- Fall is the perfect time for new beginnings, what negative self talk would you like to get rid of by the end of this year
- Write about something you’re afraid to fail at. Now go do it.
- Write a journal entry about a book you just read and how it relates to your life
- If you had witchy powers, what would they be and what would you do with them?
- Draw a picture of the scariest Halloween monster you can think of
- Make a list of your favorite people and decide what they would carve into a pumpkin, then ask them if you were right

Journaling has been so helpful in my own life. I especially love fun writing prompts that allow me to be creative. I can work through the thoughts and feelings I am having without putting too much emotional labor into it. Also, I just love writing. Writing feels so good for my soul, and it makes me really happy.
I had a lot of fun creating this list, and I hope others can appreciate these journal prompt ideas for fall. And I hope others can find the same joy that I find in journaling, but if you aren’t enjoying it, that’s okay. Don’t give up on finding something to better your mental and spiritual health, because it’s out there. You just need to find it.
1 Comment
I’m going to get back into journalling thanks to your prompts! They all sounds quite intriguing – thank you for sharing them x