I love to read. It is one of my favorite activities, it is so relaxing to sit down after a long day of work and lose myself within the pages of a story. Because it is fall time, my favorite types of books are coming out. I love reading everything dark, spooky, and weird. But would you believe that this year was the first year I read any horror books? Seriously, after all the horror movies I have watched and loved over the years, this was the year I decided to finally read some horror.
And I am SO happy that I did! I am loving it. I have read two books so far, The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James and Home Before Dark by Riley Sager. Both of these had a very similar structure to them, but they were both uniquely creepy and intriguing. You can click the title of each book to read my full reviews of each book on my book blog, Bookish Coffee Blog.
Well, because I have been enjoying my adventures in reading horror, I definitely have a large “to be read” list of all the horror that I want to get to in my life. I definitely don’t think I will get to them before this spooky season ends, but I want to get to them eventually!
Because I watch so many horror movies, sometimes I am shocked to find out something I enjoyed so much is actually based on a book. Some of the classics and some of my favorites were books originally, and I had no idea. You know the old saying, the book is often times better than the film? Well, I wish I knew if that were true or not for these reads. But I am looking to find out one day!

1. The Haunting of Hillhouse
You might already know that this TV series is based on a book, but I was shocked to learn this while I was in the middle of watching it for the first time last year. This series was so popular this time last ear, and it is based on a book of the same name by Shirley Jackson.
I am actually currently reading this book. I started the audiobook today, and I am already seeing so many differences between the book and the TV series. Granted, I have only read a chapter, but I am excited to continue on in the book, and then to watch the series for comparison. So far, the author definitely exudes that atmospheric quality that I love so much in horror writing, and that was translated so well in the TV series.
Also, isn’t there a new series that just came to Netflix that is connected to The Haunting of Hillhouse? Something about a Bly Manor or something? Well, I should finish the book, watch the original TV series, and then watch this one too! All before the end of October, oh my!
2. Bates Motel and Psycho
I am including Bates Motel on this list instead of just leading with Psycho because I am currently watching Bates Motel on Netflix, and it is the one I am most comfortable with. Literally, right now Season 4 Episode 9 is playing on my television as I type this.
Psycho is a novel by Robert Bloch, and it is about a serial killer, named Norman Bates, working out of a motel named, hence the Bates Motel. I have never actually seen the classic movie, so I can speak more on the TV series, which is as dark and twisted as I have ever seen. The number of times I sit watching this show thinking, “this is so messed up.” Freddie Highmore does an incredible job in his role as young Norman Bates in a prequel to the original story.
I am undecided about whether I will eventually read this book. I was never one for old books, as the writing is often overly descriptive and dragged out. But I am loving the prequel TV series so much, I just might…
3. Woman in Black
The film, Woman in Black, is one of my absolute favorites. It is rare for me to get actually spooked at horror movies, and this one really did it for me. There is just something so spooky about living in a huge house all by yourself, especially when that house is haunted. Danielle Radcliff was fantastic as the main, and pretty much only, character in this film. I was so compelled by his character, that I am interested in reading the book to see if there are similarities.
The book was written by Susan Hill. I have never read anything from this author, and I will definitely be seeking out a copy of this book so that I can get lost in this story.
4. Jaws
I am not really afraid of sharks, and I don’t consider the film, Jaws to be horror, but I know a lot of people do. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going to go swimming with sharks anytime soon, but if you read this post that I wrote about Shark Week, you would know how much I respect and admire sharks. They are seriously some of the coolest animals in the ocean, which is already such a cool and interesting place. And also really creepy, so I guess this film and book do lie in the horror category.
Jaws by Peter Benchley is the original text that the film was based on. I have talked to others about this film and book, and I was so shocked to learn how many people wouldn’t even go into the ocean after watching it. For me looking back at the film, the shark doesn’t look real, and I also know a lot of the animal’s behavior is unbelievable, so it just all seems too unrealistic to be scary.
But I do enjoy watching the film from time to time. It is fun to indulge in things like that. Maybe one day I will read the book as well!
5. The Exorcist
The Exorcist is just that classic horror film that everyone knows. When you ask even a horror newbie, they at least know of the movie. So, when I found out it was based on a book, I was honestly so surprised. I guess I shouldn’t be anymore, because authors are creating such wonderful and mysterious worlds in their books, It can’t be hard to want to turn those worlds into another medium of entertainment
The author, William Peter Blatty, created something so iconic, I am definitely interested in reading this book. I am not sure how I will like it, but I am intrigued in going on that journey and finding out.

This post literally added 5 books to my already too long “to be read” list for the month. I already have like 20 books on it!
Just a reminder, you can always get updates about me bookish happenings on my book blog, Bookish Coffee Blog. That was my first blog and my baby, and I am really proud of it.
Anyone else reading anything spooky this month? Let me know in the comments below! I would love to see what everyone else is reading.