It is currently gusting wind outside, and I am feeling all the calm, chilly, fall vibes. With the weather finally getting cooler, I am finally ready to completely embrace my pumpkin-y self. Throughout this month, I have talked about my favorite movies to watch in October, my favorite TV series, and my favorite books. Another way I love to spend my nights during the fall months is throwing in my headphones and listening to an Autumnal playlist while I have a candle burning and a book in hand. This is the perfect night for my introverted heart.
With Autumn here, I have been obsessed with curating the perfect fall playlist. I love to theme my music to the season. Summer usually has a lot of upbeat songs with heavy beats, while fall turns to warmer and softer coffee-house-type songs.
You can find my Summer playlist from last year here, and my Autumnal playlist here. A lot of those songs are still on my current playlist because I love them so much.
Anyway, here are 10 songs I have been absolutely loving this fall season. Maybe you can add them to your Autumnal playlist as well.
1. “Older” by Sasha Alex Sloan

During the fall, I tend to listen to super melancholic songs. Something about the weather puts me in the mood for this type of music. Sasha Alex Sloan has such a beautiful and soothing tone to their voice, and this song puts me in my feels. Perfect for a slow walk in the brisk fall weather.
2. “Lemon Boy” by Cavetwon

Do you ever have a long that you immediately love? You don’t need to get used to the song, it simply makes you feel good immediately. That’s how I felt with “Lemon Boy” by Cavetown. I found myself moving along with the beat from the first time I listened to it and immediately added it to my Autumnal playlist.
3. “Forever” by Labrinth

You can never go wrong with songs that are just vibes, which is exactly what “Forever” is. Not a lot of lyrics, simple music, but a whole lot of vibes. I especially love the vocalization and harmonies. They feel good and vibrate at a level that my soul needs during the cooler months of the year.
4. “don’t worry, you will” by lovelytheband

I adore lovelytheband. I saw them in concert a couple of years ago and I have been obsessed ever since. “don’t worry, you will” have such an upbeat yet calming vibe to it, I find it a perfect addition to my Autumnal playlist. And you can never go wrong with whistling in songs. Maybe that’s just me… but I love it.
5. “Hold On” by Chord Overstreet

The piano? Amazing. The Guitar? Phenomenal. The Vocals? Showstopping. This song literally gives me chills every time I listen to it. It is the special combination of composition, vocals, and lyrics that tug on all my heartstrings. The lyrics are so haunting and despondent. My favorite type of music
6. “Little Lion Man” by Mumford & Sons

You can never go wrong with a Mumford & Sons song, let’s be honest. This one just gives me so many autumnal vibes. When I listen to “Little Lion Man” I feel like I’m running through a forest full of orange and red leaves, with the wind whipping my hair up behind me. 10/10 vibes.
7. “Falling Apart” by Michael Schulte

The running piano throughout this song makes me feel like I’m laying in the back of a wagon as it travels, staring up at the stars in the sky. I absolutely love when a song can completely transport me somewhere new and wonderful. You can feel the emotions in the performer’s words, it is a beautiful song.
8. “Power” by Isak Danielson

Isak Danielson has one of those voices that immediately takes me away. It feels good to listen to, and the music that they create is so full of emotion, I am always excited to see what new music they have to offer. “Power” has a strong melody, which I don’t usually include on my Autumnal playlists, but this song is too good to pass up.
9. “Us” by James Bay

Yet another artist that I can’t get enough of, James Bay has such a beautiful and lyrical voice. This song is both hopeful and melancholy. I will never get tired of hearing James Bay’s falsetto, which honestly transports me to another plane of existence.
10. “False Confidence” by Noah Kahan

With a little more of an upbeat feeling, “False Confidence” is one of my favorite songs on my Autumnal playlist. There is something about Noah Kahan’s voice that feels so good to listen to. They have a voice that reminds me a lot of the fall season, I can’t explain it.
Sometimes, all I want to do is turn off the lights, lay in my bed, stare at the ceiling, and jam out to some music. Just me? When my brain becomes so overwhelmed with everything around me that I need this brief reprise. It’s like hopping into my own little world where the stressors from my life cannot reach me. Plus, when I’m alone in the dark, I know that nobody is judging me, and I can do all the happy dances I want to these magnificent pieces of art.
Let me know in the comments below what’s on your autumnal playlist! I am always looking for new artists to my list, especially during my favorite season.