If you couldn’t tell already, one of my favorite parts of Halloween are the stories that come out of it. Books and movies are always superior during this time of year, with all the dark, spooky, and twisted tales that are being told. On literally every list of things I want to do this season or bucket lists for Autumn that I have written this year, having a movie marathon is on the very top. Come on, we all remember having movie marathons with our friends as a kid! Those were seriously the best, and nothing will compare to that thrill.

But we can always try to match that feeling as adults! I have been creating a list of movies that I want to eventually fit into my busy schedule this month, and it has lead me to remember all these wonderful stories that I enjoy so much this time of year. I love everything Halloween cinema has to offer, from horror to animated movies about adorable spooky creatures.

I have such good memories of watching a lot of these movies every year during this holiday. I am so ready to sit down and enjoy these movies, and I hope you can find some to enjoy as well!

Warning: There is going to be a lot of Disney on this list. I’m sorry… but also not sorry at all.

1. Halloweentown

This is my number one favorite Halloween movie ever. I always find time to watch this movie no matter what, and it is now so much easier for me to do that now that I have a Disney+ subscription. There is just something about the cheesy costumes, dramatic storyline, and lovable family that bring me so much joy.

Of course, I love the 3 following movies as well, even if they did change the actress for Marnie in the final film.

2. Twitches

Disney Channel really put out some fantastic Halloween movies during my childhood. I used to want to go to an alternate dimension through my bedroom closet so bad! I was so jealous, I wanted to be a princess of a magical kingdom with magical powers.

When I was young I always loved watching Tia and Tamara in Sister, Sister. They have such wonderful chemistry on screen, and it is so wonderful to watch them together. So seeing them in one of my favorite Halloween films always brings me so much joy and nostalgia. And the sequel has to be in my movie marathon as well, Twitches Too!

3. Paranorman

I adore stop-motion films! There is something so amazing and mind-boggling to watch an entire hour and a half movie that is made up of pictures and tiny movements of the characters. I mean, come on! The dedication that stop-motion filmmakers have is amazing and the product is honestly so cool to witness.

Everyone knows Paranorman! I was attracted to the movie by the name alone, but the adorable main character and the family-friendly plot make it even better. I think some of my favorite Halloween movies are the family-friendly ones they play on Freeform, rather than horror, which are still super entertaining!

4. Monster House

I have similar feelings about this one that I do with Paranorman. I love that this film personifies a house into something evil. I also love all the characters, they are so adorable and wholesome. Definitely one of my favorite movies of the season!

Throws me back to my childhood!

5. Hotel Transylvania

I. Love. This. Movie!!! Hotel Transylvania is one of my biggest comfort movies of the Halloween season. There is such a unique and adorable cast of characters, and this film is absolutely hilarious.

I love the idea that a human stumbles upon an entire hotel full of spooky creatures who are all actually fun-loving. This story gets even better in Hotel Transylvania 2!

6. The Conjuring

I had to add my favorite horror film to this list! I can never get enough of watching this scary movie, which is rare. Usually, I can not watch a horror film twice but I probably watch The Conjuring twice a year!

This is just such a spooky, creepy movie, and who doesn’t just love being spooked during this time of year.

7. The Nightmare Before Christmas

I mean, I think this movie is a staple of most people’s Halloween… and Christmas. It is definitely both a Halloween and Christmas movie, there is no need to argue about it. It can fit into both categories! Honestly though, I would watch it any time of year.

I love watching Jack Skellington and Sally living their lives in Halloween Town. This movie is also stop motion, like Paranoman, so I find it incredibly fascinating to watch.

8. Hocus Pocus

black flame candle and laptop
Check out this Black Flame candle created by Novelly Yours!

Hocus Pocus probably plays on Freeform 30 times over the course of the month of October. I always have to watch this movie during the Halloween season! All the amazing characters, Binx, Dani, Alison, Max, and my absolute favorite character, Billy, make this movie entertaining and exciting.

9. Scream

I actually only watched the Scream series of movies for the first time last year, and I love them! They are just such a classic scary movie, it is impossible not to have fun while watching them. They aren’t even scary, they are just a whole lot of fun!

10. The Addams Family

This is another classic Halloween movie! I never was into The Addams Family until recently, when I fell in love with the spooky, quirky family and the situations they are in.

I know last year they made an animated version of this film. I wasn’t able to watch it last year, so I am hoping to add it to my Halloween movie marathon this year! I have a feeling I will really enjoy it.

Anyone else feel like grabbing a cup of hot cocoa and some snacks and watching all of these movies? I certainly do! I can’t wait until I have a day off from work, and all my other work is done, so I can relax worry free!

I just don’t kmow when that will ever happen…

What movies do you always have on your Halloween movie marathon list? Let me know in the comments below!

1 Comment

  1. […] the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, I am ready for all the scary, spooky, and horrifying content! I love anything that has to do with skeletons and jack-o-lanterns. I mean, jack-o-lanterns were […]

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