One of the most popular gift ideas for the holiday season is gifting a houseplant. They are easy to find, adorable, and can be enjoyed by everyone. But for gifting, you want to make sure you are giving an easy houseplant to care for. If not, you might visit your friend’s house in the new year and see your lovely gift, dead on a bookshelf.

Not everyone has a green thumb. I mean, I have been taking care of various types of houseplants for about 9 years now, and I have killed a lot of innocent plants along the way. I still walk up to my shelves to find plants that I forgot to water or that didn’t get enough sunlight. It can be hard keeping plants alive!

One of the most common houseplants to gift during the holidays are succulents, and I can understand why. Most retailers sell them in adorable containers, in the perfect arrangement. It makes them very appealing to shoppers.

They are also one of the most popular houseplants on the market right now. I remember when they blew up 5 to 10 years ago, and everyone has succulents in their home. The aftermath of that is still being seen, with them flying off the shelves.

However, succulents are not the easiest plant to take care of, despite all the rumors you have heard to the contrary. They need the perfect amount of sun and water, they need the perfect pot and soil, and even after all that, they still might die. They are picky plants that like to be in the desert, not a kitchen window.

If you do want to learn more about caring for succulents, you can check out my post on the basics of caring for succulents. There I talk about soil, pot selection, and how to know what your succulent is trying to tell you.

So, if you have that coworker or acquaintance that you need to buy a Christmas gift for. Or if you are looking for a housewarming gift for your BFF, here are some easy to care for houseplants that make the perfect gift!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I make a commission through these links with no impact on your purchase.

Who Should you Gift Houseplants to?

With all the gift guides and gift idea articles on the internet, it can get overwhelming to decide what to buy for everyone on your list. If you are still getting those last-minute gifts for your friends and family, you may be wondering who should be getting a houseplant.

  • Coworkers
  • Boss
  • Friends
  • Extended family
  • Parents-in-law
  • Siblings
  • New homeowners
  • Plant lovers

Houseplants make great gifts for most people. It isn’t the most personal gift idea, so I usually purchase them for those obligatory gifts you need to give. The housewarming gift or thank you gift. Gifting houseplants is a sweet gesture without having to be too personal.

Of course, if you have a plant lover in your life, this can be a very personal gift. Most plant parents have a wishlist of the plants they have always wanted. Or just buy one you think they will love. Just make sure they have room for it first!

image of houseplants in front of a white wall
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

What to Include in a Gift with a Houseplant

If you are creating a gift for someone, and you don’t think a houseplant is enough, there are plenty of great add-ons that go great with houseplants.

  • Propagation station: If you are giving this gift to a plant lover, they are sure to know about the art of popagrating plants. This adorable propagation station from Amazon is attractive and useful. I got this as a gift last year and it is the perfect addition to my plant shelf in my bedroom.
  • Pots for the plants: If you give them plants, they need a place to put it! Grabbing an adorable houseplant pot can make a basic plant gift a little more personal. Especially if you match the pot to their home decor. It will fit perfectly into their home!
  • Houseplant fetilizer: If you want the new houseplant to live, an easy way to do that is by giting some houseplant fertilizer along with it. This is something most people forget, but is super useful for keeping a houseplant alive and thriving
  • Houseplant tool kit: By far my favorite gift idea to go along with a houseplant is getting them a tool kit. This one from Amazon has 10 different tools that would be helpful with a new plant. And it is just plain cute!

You can pretty much add anything to a gift with a houseplant, even if it is not plant-related. Grab a cute candle or a mug to complete your gift. Houseplants go with everything!

Easy Houseplants that are Perfect for Gifting

  1. Snake Plant: I’ll be honest, I don’t even remember the last time I watered my snake plant. Still looks as full and beautiful as ever.
  2. Spider Plant: I lighter green than most plants, this is one of the easiest things to keep alive. Just give it water once a week and its good to go. These can grow huge, so make sure the gift recipient has a place to put it.
  3. Aloe Plant: With many benefits like clean air and health benefits, aloe makes a great houseplant.
  4. Fern: These grow big and fluffy, which makes them great statement plants for homes. I would gift this to a new homeowner trying to add color to their new house.
  5. ZZ Plant: A funky plant you wouldn’t really think of, but super easy to take care of.
  6. Money Tree: I swear my money tree has been alive forever. They are not too picky about water or sunlight.
  7. Pathos: My absolute favorite houseplant. They grow huge and their bright green color adds joy to any room.
  8. Philodendron: One of my favorite greenery plants, just water when the soil gets dry and you are good to go.
  9. Peace Lily: If you are wanting to gift something with a flower, these are perfect and beautiful. It is hard to find flowering plants that are easy to take care of.
  10. Air Plants: These come in so many fun shapes and containers! I have one that looks like it is the hair of a man. To take care of these all you do is mist with water once a week or soak them every couple of weeks.
Image of a snake plant in an apartment
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

What are the Benefits of Gifting Houseplants?

With all this talk about giving houseplants as gifts, why is it so popular? What are the benefits of houseplants for the gift receiver?

  • It is easy: Finding houseplants for gifting is as easy as visiting your local plant nursery, hardware store, or even grocery store. It makes it a great idea for a last minute gift, grab it on the way to your next family gathering or Christmas party.
  • Promotes happiness: Taking care of a houseplant has been proven to promate well-being in people. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and productivity. So, if you are gifting these easy houseplants, you are sure to make the other person happy. Isn’t that the point of giving gifts?
  • Good for the environement: With all the plastic junk people gift during the holiday season, and then promptly ends up in landfills, giving a houseplant can reduce that. It is something the other person will keep, or regift, and it has less plastic, especially if you find a retailer who sells them in plastic-free containers!
  • Promotes clean air: Most of the plants I listed above are clean air plants. This means they create a lot of clean oxygen and absorb some of the toxins that are in the air.

I am always a last-minute gift buyer. I struggle so much with the pressure of finding the perfect gift that I tend to wait until the week before Christmas or birthdays when everything is sold out and stores are packed with people. The worst time to go shopping.

But I have found a lot of success in picking easy houseplants that are very hard to kill. Who wouldn’t want to bring some joy to someone’s life? Gifting something that will die within the week will definitely do the opposite.

Have fun giving everyone on your list some easy to care for hosueplants! You can check everyone off your list in one place!


  1. […] Related: Check out this post with east houseplants to care for, perfect for gifting […]

  2. avatar

    Most people enjoy receiving houseplants as gifts

    1. avatar says:

      They are definitely a popular gift! I would never be mad receiving a new plant to add to my collection!

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