Everyone needs community. Wanting connection is hard-wired into the human experience. A great way to build a community is by spending time with others with shared interests, for me that’s books. Personally, book clubs have been a great way to make connections with others while spending time talking about something I love. However, joining a book club as an introvert was nerve-wracking.

I have been an introvert and a reader my whole life, so I have some credentials when talking about this subject. Joining a group where you are almost expected to speak can be scary, especially for people who find socialization hard.

However, there are ways to make yourself comfortable and even have fun while in a book club. There are things you can do personally and things you can look for in a book club that will make the experience 10 times more enjoyable.

I am always a huge proponent of introverts embracing who they are and working with others to make themselves more comfortable. Far too often, introverts are told to speak up. We live in a world run by extroverts, and it can be intimidating being the only introvert in a room. But everyone deserves to take up space in this world, no matter how you source your energy!

So, if you are looking for tips on joining a book club as an introvert, keep reading! This post has everything you need to know to have an amazing experience at your next book club meeting!

Image of an introverted person choosing a book from a book stack for book club

Benefits of Joining a Book Club

For anyone still on the fence about whether or not they want to join a book club at all, here are some of the benefits.

  1. It gives you a chance to connect with others who share similar interests as you! Being an introvert can be so isolating sometimes because we need to be alone to fill our energy reserves. This can make it difficult to form new friendships. I know from experience! So having a place you go to every month full of people that share a hobby is a fantastic way to have a built-in group of friends!
  2. You are able to talk openly about something you love! Now don’t get me wrong, I think everyone should be able to talk about the things they love as much as possible. However, unfortunately, that is not possible. Unless you work at a library or a publishing house, it isn’t acceptable to talk about books like it is your job, even if you want to. So having a book club to go to every month allows you the space to do this with a rapt audience of people who want to listen and care about what you are saying.
  3. Gives you more motivation to read! I don’t know about anyone else, but one thing that will always motivate me to read is when I have other people counting on me. Whether it be a buddy read or a book club, when I have other people who are expecting to discuss a book with me on a certain day, I will be highly motivated to read said book! (But don’t worry, there have been plenty of times when members of my book club did not finish the book. We would just hold a spoiler-free meeting!)
Image of someone sitting on a bed reading a book

Tips for Introverts Who Want to Join a Book Club

Alright, if you have decided you want to join a book club, here are the real tips & tricks on how to get the most out of the experience!

1. Find a book club that is the right fit

If you are sitting in a room full of extroverts talking about their favorite scenes in a book, you, as an introvert, probably won’t be as likely to want to contribute. It becomes overwhelming.

There is no harm in hopping around to a couple of book clubs in your area to see which one feels the most comfortable for you! You don’t have to stick with the first one you try.

There are a lot of factors that go into finding the right book club for you like…

  • Book choices: Do they read books in genres you enjoy?
  • Energy: Is it a low-key event, or is everyone really excitable?
  • Location: Do you feel like the commute to the book club is sustainable to attend?
  • Timing: Do you like how often the book club meets? Is it a good time for you, when you still have the energy to socialize?

There are so many factors that can go into finding the perfect book club for an introvert. It’s like searching for a job, you have to find one that is the right fit for you and one you will fit into.

Did you know there are even book clubs that don’t require you to speak? There are things called silent book clubs where people simply get together to read. That is all. No discussions or conversations, just a sense of community around something everyone loves, books. You can look at Silent Book Club’s website to see if they have any chapters near you. There may also be similar local events not under this organization that do the same thing, I would recommend checking out your local library or community websites.

2. Find an online book club

If getting out of your house and going to a location sounds like a little too much for you, you could check out the thousands of online book clubs that are available.

There are so many options when it comes to virtual book clubs, it is practically endless. There are clubs that meet on a video call, clubs hosted by book community creators who host lives on TikTok, Youtube, or Instagram to discuss the book, or there are even asynchronous book clubs that discuss on online forums like Discord.

I have found so many online book clubs via social media. Many of these groups have Twitter or Instagram accounts where they announce the book to read and the timing of events and discussions. You can also check out Book Clubs, which is a website dedicated to finding people groups. If you want online groups, look for the little tag under the book clubs title that reads, “meets virtually” or “discusses online.”

Image of a book shelf full of antique books

3. Don’t be afraid to NOT speak up

If your whole goal of joining a book club is just to feel the community around you, don’t feel any pressure to actually speak at book club meetings! I know this sounds counter-productive but sometimes it’s all you can do.

When I joined my first book club, I didn’t really want to ever say anything. The club met at night when I was tired from classes and writing papers. I was far too exhausted to actually socialize with others. So, for the most part, I spent my time in this book club listening. I would come, eat my cookies, sit, and listen.

Going to a book club isn’t an obligation, and it isn’t school. So don’t feel like you have to contribute to the conversation. Perhaps you just like to be there and feel the presence of others around you without saying anything. That is totally valid and still a productive way to enjoy book clubs!

If you have people in the book club who seem to be encouraging others to participate, and who will call on people to voice their thoughts, simply let everyone know that you aren’t in a place to talk, you only want to listen. If they can’t respect that, remember my first tip and realize that that specific book club isn’t the right fit for you! There are others out there, you will find a club that respects you as a person.

4. Bring someone with you

Personally, I often feel the most comfortable when I am with my friends. When I have found comfort with someone, it can seem like any of my shyness evaporates. This is why bringing along a friend or loved one can be a great way to feel more comfortable at a book club.

5. Do some studying beforehand

I know, I literally just said that book clubs aren’t school, and I mean it! There are no tests, no obligations, and no grades. I promise. However, if you are planning on speaking up and sharing your thoughts while attending a book club meeting, the best way to reduce any anxiety around this is to be fully read up and prepared about the reading material!

So make sure you have read the book fully. Check out Goodreads or Book Blogs for reviews of the book so you have an understanding of other people’s opinions of the books. Check out Youtube videos or TikToks about the book. You can even lookup “[insert book title] discussions questions” on Google to get an idea of some of the talking points that will be brought up in book club.

Once you are fully immersed in the reading material, you will be able to crush any discussion that comes up. It’s like being prepared for an exam, it makes the test anxiety go away a little. But I promise book clubs are not like school! I am just trying to make a metaphor!

Image of someone flipping through an old book

How to find Local and Virtual Book Clubs to Join

  • Local libraries and bookstores: Check out the website of your local libraries, indie bookstores, or even Barnes & Nobel! There might be some local book clubs already established.
  • Book Clubs: Find both in-person and virtual book clubs on this website.
  • Goodreads: Checking out the “groups” section of the website, you can find many virtual book clubs, and even some local ones if you are lucky!
  • Google: Simply search, “book clubs near me,” allow Google to have access to your location, and you will find various resources for book clubs near you!
  • Meet Up: This is a website where you can find all types of meet-ups locally and online! They have quite a few book club options for both in-person and virtual gatherings.
  • Silent Book Club: Find chapters specific to this type of book club (with no discussion, only communal reading).
  • Social Media/ Forums: I would even search around on social media, especially Facebook. People often have groups or accounts on social media that give all the information needed for the book club. They might also post about it on local forums!

As an introvert myself, I know how difficult it is to put yourself out there. But I have never once regretted any book club or buddy read I have entered into. Humans are hard-wired to need a community around them, why not get that community with something you love, reading!

For more tips and info for introverts, check out this list of birthday celebration ideas for introverts! You can also check out this summer bucket list specifically for introverts! And keep following my site, I talk a lot about introverts, being one myself!

And, for any book recommendations, check out my other site, Bookish Coffee Blog!


  1. avatar

    These are helpful tips! I have been wanting to join the book club in town for ages but I’m just worried they will include books I really don’t want to read

    Miriam | A Hygge Escape

    1. avatar
      bookish.coffee.tea says:

      Yay, I am so glad you found this helpful! I have definitely had times where a book club I was in read a book I had no interest in! But hopefully it is the kind of club that takes suggestions! If not, you can definitely find online book clubs that read the exact genres you love! I hope everything works out!

  2. […] to clubs can be, but it can be fulfilling and a lot of fun! You can check out my tips for going to book clubs as an introvert as […]

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