If you know me, you know I am a huge advocate for journaling. There are so many benefits to journaling, writing has gained such an important place in my life. So, with summer coming in a couple of weeks, I think now is the perfect time to start using some summer journal prompts. There is no better way to appreciate the season while also enjoying all the wonders of journaling!

Historically, summer has always been my least favorite season. I don’t like feeling sweaty, I don’t like the beach, and I’m not the biggest fan of summer foods. I was just built for fall, all I am craving right now is a pumpkin spiced latté and a horror book.

However, because of my negative feelings about the season of summer, I like to set myself a goal, which is to find as much enjoyment as I can in summer. Whether it be finding small moments of peace, reading a book on my patio on a cool summer evening, or enjoying a glass of lemonade to avoid the heat, I will do everything in my power to feel some summer joy. I like to romanticize my life by romanticizing the summer.

One of the ways I find these small moments of joy is by using journal prompts specific to the summer. Prompts that make me think of the good parts of summer, and the things I want to accomplish. It helps me find a little joy in the long hot summer days! Summer journal prompts also help me find gratitude and appreciation in the life I am living

Summer Journal Prompts

Image of someone sitting out in nature, writing in a journal with a pen.
  1. Describe a memory you have from summer as a child. What makes this memory so important to you?
  2. Think of the perfect summer day and then describe it!
  3. What is on your summer bucket list for this year? How many of these can you complete before the end of this summer?
  4. How does summer make you feel? Describe it in five words!
  5. Use your senses! What are the sights, smells, tastes, and sounds of summer?
  6. Do you have a dream summer vacation? Describe it!
  7. Imagine you have a superpower only for the summer. What would it be and what would you do with it?
  8. If you could visit one fictional setting for summer vacation, which would you choose?
  9. There are so many sounds of summer! Take some time outside and simply listen. Write down everything you hear!
  10. Write a letter to yourself at the end of summer. Tell yourself everything you hope to accomplish in the next couple of months.
  11. Summer marks the start of the second half of the year. Take some time to reflect on the past couple of months, have you accomplished everything you wanted to?
  12. Is summer your favorite season? Write about why that is. If not, write about why you like a different season more than summer.
  13. Spend some time picking flowers from gardens in your area! Press them in your journal so you can remember the beautiful foliage of summer!
  14. Summer is often associated with freedom. What make you feel the most free?
  15. Write a fictional short story set in the summer. How is summer having an impact on your characters?
  16. Do you and your family have any summer traditions? Write about them and talk about how they make you feel.
  17. What celebrity do you wish you could spend a summer vacation with? Why?
  18. Write down your summer reading list in your journal! How many of those books can you finish before summer is over?
  19. Write about all the ways you are going to practice self-care this summer. Make sure you stick to it!
  20. Get creative! Do some art journaling and paint what summer feels like to you!
  21. Look around you and find something beautiful about summer, whether it be the summer sky or the adorable birds in the trees. Now write a poem about it!
  22. Write a list of things you are grateful for in relation to summer. Are you grateful for the weather, time off from work, etc.?
  23. Write down your favorite summer food and drink recipes! Save them for future generations.
  24. Does summer spark your creativity? If so, how does it and which methods do you like the most, wiring, painting, sketching, etc.?
  25. Do you spend more time outside during the summer than in other months? If so, why?
  26. Do you feel a connection to nature during the summer? If so, explain why!
  27. Many people experience wanderlust over the summer! Have you, and if so, what places have you yearned to visit?
  28. List some songs you want to add to your summer playlist!
Image of a person doing some summer journal prompts at the beach.

Using summer journal prompts is a fantastic way to connect with the season. So often, I feel like I am just living my life to get to the next day. I rarely stop and actually enjoy the world around me, which is something I’m actively trying to change. There are way too many good and exciting things about the summer to just waste it away waiting for fall! (Although I am constantly waiting for fall but that is a whole other conversation!

For more journal prompts, check out these fall journal prompt ideas, journal prompts for the new year, and basic journal prompts for beginners!

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