Can’t find anyone to go to your favorite artist’s show with? Check out these 10 tips for going to concerts alone!

Staying in with a Homebody
Staying in with a Homebody
Can’t find anyone to go to your favorite artist’s show with? Check out these 10 tips for going to concerts alone!
These past couple of years have been some of the most stressful, confusing, and uncomfortable times for many of us. So much has changed and still is changing. With all of the talk about “unprecedented times” it is easy to get lost in the negative and let the days pass without doing anything enjoyable, and …
Something that everyone learns from a young age is the necessity to care for the environment and the planet we live on. It starts with learning about recycling and stays with us throughout schooling until we learn about how damaging humans have been to the environment. However, for some reason, there is still a question …
With COVID-19 still running rampant, a lot of people are having to adjust how they do things, including school. From elementary students to graduate students, people are struggling to figure out an entirely new way to learn. Distance learning is becoming the new normal, and it will take some time to learn how to adjust …
I have been spending a lot of time working on my blog recently. I have written posts every day In October and December, I have worked with social media, and I have focused on my keyword research. Over the past couple of months, I have learned so much, but there is still a lot more …
Tomorrow is the day. We are so close to Halloween I can taste it. One of my favorite activities to do on Halloween is creating the perfect jack-o-lantern to sit on my front porch that night to greet all the trick-or-treaters. Because of this, today’s post is going to include some easy pumpkin carving tips …
This month, I have talked about my favorite slasher movies, spooky Netflix series, and family-friendly Halloween movies. But none of these compare to my favorite subgenre of horror films, paranormal scary movies. I love ghost stories. Out of all the horror, thriller, and slasher movies I have watched over the years, none of them spook …
Days are getting shorter and nights are getting longer. It’s practically heaven for a night owl like me. I have spent the first half of October perfecting my Autumn nighttime routine, making sure I am getting the most self-care in as possible, and I wanted to share it with you today. As an introvert, I …
Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging Here are 10 tips for beginner bloggers, starting their journey. These are things I wish I knew before starting both of my blogs, and things I still live by every day. I have been blogging for over 5 years now. I started with my book blog, …
Here are a couple autumn Hallmark movies I have been watching lately.