Days are getting shorter and nights are getting longer. It’s practically heaven for a night owl like me. I have spent the first half of October perfecting my Autumn nighttime routine, making sure I am getting the most self-care in as possible, and I wanted to share it with you today.

As an introvert, I have perfected the art of spending time alone. I know exactly what I need to do to have the most relaxing and recharging night. This necessity is especially true as the holiday season arrives. I get exhausted much quicker and need all the alone time I can get.

I am also a reader and Autumn is also the perfect season for a night in with a good book. You can’t tell me that fall isn’t the reader’s season. Cozy clothes, dark academia aesthetic, and the perfect reading weather. What more can I ask for?

So, come with me as I take you with me during my autumn nighttime routine.

Why is it Important to Take Time for Yourself?

If you are an introvert, the answer to this question is ingrained in your DNA. Taking time for yourself as an introvert is as vital as food and water in being a real, functioning person in society.

But taking time for yourself is important for everyone, even extroverts. I believe that learning to love your own company is a vital skill in creating the life that you want. You are the only person that truly knows you, so you might as well enjoy that time together. Was that too many “you’s” in one sentence?

Anyway, as a major advocate for self-care, taking time to do things you enjoy, and taking the time needed to unwind after a stressful day at work is essential.

What Should you do with Your Nighttime Routine?

This is an entirely personal question, that depends on your needs and desires. And sometimes it is far too difficult to think about taking time to relax when you have one million things on your plate. But if you can take some time to think about this question. Here are some ideas to start off your brainstorming session:

  • Watch a movie or TV series you love
  • Do one of your favorite hobbies
  • Listen to your favorite music album
  • Get some light exercise in
  • Organize your space (office, bedroom, etc.)

There are so many ways to relax, you just need to figure out what works for you. And it might take some experimenting! It took me the longest time to perfect my autumn nighttime routine, so don’t worry if it doesn’t click right away.

What is my Autumnal Nighttime Routine?

6:00 p.m.

My night usually starts around 6 p.m. when my work for the day is finally done, and I am just starting to settle down.

At this time, I will make a delicious dinner. Something from my list of comfort foods like a warm bowl of Mac & Cheese, Chilli, Nachos, or Burritos. Something that will make my heart and my stomach warm. I’m not trying to be healthy on these self-care nights.

6:30 p.m.

By 6:30 p.m. my dinner is cooked and I have brought it up to my bedroom. Yes, my perfect autumn night includes eating in bed under a mountain of blankets and other soft comfort items.

Now I will scroll through a streaming service, whether Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime, and choose a Halloween movie. Depending on my mood, I will choose a scary movie or something a little lighter, like an animated Halloween movie. Anything that will get me in the Halloween spirit.

Now it is time to settle in for a couple of hours as I watch the movie. I have a short attention span, especially if a scary movie just… isn’t scary enough. So, Sometimes during this time I will pull out my phone and play some of my games, like solitaire, or scroll through social media.

8:30 p.m.

Now that the Halloween film is over, I move on to something more relaxing to unwind for the rest of the night. Depending on my mood, I will:

  • Read a horror/spooky book
  • Color in a coloring book
  • Crochet
  • Write

Most of the time, during these hours, I am reading. Autumn is the best season for reading, so picking up a spooky or atmospheric book and immersing myself in the world is one of the best feelings.

But when I am not reading. I make sure that I take time to enjoy my hobbies whenever I get the chance because that is something so important for my mental health. So this is the time of night I take to do something creative and relaxing. Sometimes I will choose multiple activities from this list.

10:30 p.m.

It is now getting later in the night, and I’m ready to get cozy in bed and turn off the lights. I am not going to bed yet, I am too much of a night owl, but I do love turning off the lights, and calming my mind at this time of the day.

I now cozy up in bed and turn my TV back on to find a series to watch until I fall asleep. During the Autumn season, it is usually something spooky or mysterious. Recently I have been loving these shows:

  • Stranger Things
  • The Haunting of Hill House/The Haunting of Bly Manor
  • Squid Games
  • American Horror Story
  • Sabrina the Teenaged Witch

People have made huge lists of all the Halloween-themed shows on streaming services, and I am trying to make my way through them this season. But I keep getting stuck rewatching my favorites.

12, 2, or 4 a.m.

As a night owl, there is no telling when I will be ready for bed. It all depended on how much energy I have after the day, and what time I need to be awake the next morning.

Recently, I have been trying to shift my schedule to a more “normal” schedule, but it isn’t exactly working out. I just think my circadian rhythm is off from what society says is normal. But hey, nothing wrong with being a night owl! That doesn’t mean I am any less productive than my early bird counterparts.

image of a white pumpkin sitting on top of a white sweater
Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

Well, there you have it. My ideal autumn nighttime routine. Everything I need to make sure I get recharged every evening.

I certainly don’t do this routine every night, I simply don’t have enough time. Sometimes I am working on my blog during these hours, or job searching. But even if I do one or two things on this list, I know it is beneficial for my mental well-being.

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