Whenever I am on the go, and away from home, I always end up thinking of something I need. It is never while I am packing my purse, or when I am still in my house, it is when I am miles away from home that I desperately need this thing. Isn’t that so annoying?

I started thinking ahead (I know, a crazy concept). I try to figure out what I could possibly need, and I have developed a list of a couple of things that I bring with me at all times when I leave the house. These things don’t ever leave my purse.

I am the type of person to keep everything in my purse. I could never use one of those tiny over the shoulder bags, that are really there for fashion (like the one in the top photo LOL). No, I need a substantial bag, like my black backpack purse that I got from Target a couple years back. That baby holds everything I could possibly need for a day away from my house. I don’t know why, but I like to carry a lot of stuff with me, even if I don’t think I’ll need it. It must be the homebody in me. I like to have access to all my stuff, and I never know what I might need!

1. Water & Snack

You hear it from everyone! Hydrate, hydrate hydrate! It seems to be the cure-all. No, drinking water isn’t going to cure all the ailments that I have, but I find that having water with me helps me feel more in control and awake. I have anxiety, so social situations are not my favorite. It has been a lifesaver to have my water as a crutch, drinking it when I am uncomfortable or I need something to do with my hands. And having a snack is just helpful. I get hungry and it is much better for me and my wallet to eat the small snack that I always stuff into my purse.

2. Bandages

I. Hate. Blisters. They are horrible evil things that should never exist. How can something so small cause so much pain? I don’t understand. But when one of those little buggers pops up on my foot, it can ruin the entire day, seriously! So I always make sure I have bandages on hand. They also come in handy for other small cuts and scrapes as well. I particularly like to get the one with characters on them. Why not add a little joy to my day?

3. Pads

I mean, come on, this is a must. To anyone who menstruates, You know how incredibly frustrating it is to leave the house and realize you are bleeding. It is not fun, and it can absolutely ruin your day. One day I was at a theme park… it was not fun. I only keep pads in my bag because I don’t use tampons, but you can definitely add those if you prefer them.

4. Hand Sanitizer

This didn’t just start this year either (hi COVID-19). I have been carrying hand sanitizer with me forever. I am not a fan of germs, so it is one of the most used things in my purse. If I touch anything public, I will squeeze some into my hands. It is so helpful when you can’t get to a sink to properly wash them. And some of them even smell good, which is a bonus!

5. Earbuds

Always always always. Whether I need to escape into an audiobook, or bop to some music, I always keep my earbuds in my ears. It also helps me avoid talking to a lot of people, which in my opinion, is definitely a win. Am I the only one who just feels like they are missing a part of themselves when they forget their earphones?

This is definitely not a definitive list of the items I keep in my purse, but it includes all of the important things. I am the type of person who wants to be prepared for when things pop up. I hate when something small ruins my day so I have developed a list of things that can avoid this!

What do you keep in your purse? Do we have anything in common? I am always looking for more stuff to add to my already overflowing pack!


  1. avatar

    I always keep the last 4 but I really need to get better at carrying snacks too especially as it can be hard too find ones that meet my dietary requirements sometimes x


    1. avatar
      bookish.coffee.tea says:

      Yes, so important! It has also helped me save money, so I don’t spend on food when I am hungry ahaha!

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