I talk a lot about being alone on this site. One of my blog’s main focuses is being an introvert, and how I navigate the world as one. So, when I had the opportunity recently to go see one of my favorite artists in concert alone, I took it. I was so nervous beforehand, I had no experience going to such a large event by myself. However, it turned out amazing, and it was one of the best nights of my life. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with going to shows, movies, and restaurants alone. It is so peaceful, and I want to share this peace with others who might be too afraid to try. So, today I am sharing some tips for going to concerts alone, for anyone thinking about venturing out with only themselves as company.
I never thought of myself as a concert person. For my whole life, I have been an introvert and a homebody, and large crowds and loud noises tend to overwhelm me. I have even been to concerts in the past where I was so overstimulated that I couldn’t even have a good time.
However, recently I decided to overcome this. My favorite artist was going on tour, and all I wanted was to see the album that pulled me out of a bad mental health slump live. All I was seeing on social media was people having the time of their lives at concerts and I wanted to experience that too.
So, I did it. I went to a concert after years of missing out and I had an incredible time. I danced, laughed, and felt the collective effervescence of live music. There is magic in spending time with my friends and being in a room surrounded by people who love the same music I do.

There is just something so special about being in the same room as your favorite artist as well as hundreds of others that feel the same way. Concerts hold a collective joy and I got to be in the room with it. It surprised me how much I forgot about the people around me and the loud noises and just bathed in the electric thrill of the venue.
Honestly, I became addicted. I wanted to experience that joy and love again and again. And I was running out of people to go with. I didn’t expect my friends to go see the same show as many times as I wanted to. Or to go to shows of artists that have never even listened to. The only solution was to go to the concert by myself, and I did.
I wish I had the knowledge that I have now, and the tips for going to concerts alone. But I am happy I can share everything I have learned.
Benefits of Going to Concerts Alone
If you are still trying to get over the idea of simply going to a concert alone, maybe looking into some of the benefits of a solo concert experience will help.
- You can go see whoever you want perform without worrying about if your friends like the same artist.
- There will be literally no one in that building you will ever see again, you can act as silly and excited as you want.
- You don’t have to worry about group social dynamics, you can just focus on yourself and doing what makes you happy.
- Going to a concert alone allows you to be fully immersed in the music, without any distractions of conversation.
- Being able to step outside of your comfort zone at a concert allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your connection to the music. Not being worried about other people around you lets you be a little more introspective.
- It’s easier to meet new people at concerts without others around. I have met some incredible people when attending concerts all by myself.
- You get used to spending time with yourself. I am always a proponent of learning to be alone. As an introvert, I have learned the peace and self-care that comes with being alone. You can have this while enjoying live music! I think both introverts and extroverts alike can gain from learning to be alone.
- You never know when it is going to be the last time you can see this artist. Don’t let not finding any concert-going buddies stop you from seeing your favorite artist live.

Tips for Going to Concerts Alone
Alright, you have decided to go to a concert alone, and now you are wondering how to make this experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. That’s why I’m here, keep reading for some tips for going to concerts alone.
1. Safety first!
Attending a concert alone is an amazing experience, but it does come with its own risks. You have no one else watching out for you, so you have to be vigilant when at the venue. Keep your eyes open, keep your personal items close to you, and don’t be afraid to leave a situation that is making you uncomfortable. I always believe it is better to be safe than sorry. This is probably the most important on this list of tips for going to concerts alone.
2. Plan ahead!
There is nothing more important than planning ahead. Get on the internet and find out what the parking situation is, where to line starts for entry, and what the bag policy is. The more information you have about the event, the more confident you will be walking into the venue.
3. Bring a portable charger!
This is related to safety, but ensuring that you can always communicate with people is incredibly important. If you like taking photos and videos during the show, your battery will deplete quickly. Make sure you can charge up your devices in case of an emergency or if you need to call an Uber at the end of the night.
4. You are not alone!
I know, you technically are alone, but what I mean is, you are definitely not the only person at that concert without any concert-going buddies so take advantage of this. Being at a live music event alone is the perfect time to meet new people, even for us introverts! So take advantage of that and spend some time engaging with people around you. There are so many stories of people finding best friends and soul mates at concerts. That might be you!
5. Don’t worry about anyone else!
For me, the biggest benefit of going to a concert alone is the freedom. I am never going to see anyone in that venue again, so I can completely be myself. Even if I notice someone judging me, it doesn’t matter. I will forget them and they will forget me as soon as we leave the venue. No stranger cares about me enough to worry about what I’m doing. So make sure you remember this while you are there and let loose! Be yourself completely, sing loudly, and dance as hard as you can!

6. Don’t be afraid to capture memories!
My biggest regret from my first solo concert-going experience is I don’t have any photos of myself. I had a cute outfit on at a beautiful arena, and I didn’t take any photos because I was scared to ask anyone. Don’t be like me! I promise, most people at a concert are willing to snap a few memories for you. Also, take as many photos and videos as you want at the concert! Don’t let anyone take away those memories! They are yours and yours only.
7. Move around the venue!
Depending on the venue situation, you might not be able to do this. However, if you are going to a show with general admission, don’t be afraid to try different areas during different songs! The beauty of being alone is you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s opinion, go where you want to go!
8. Feel free to take breaks!
As an introvert with anxiety, I am no stranger to the feeling of panic and claustrophobia that comes with large crowds. This feeling only doubles when I am alone. So, if you are halfway through the concert and this feeling creeps up, take a break! Step to the back and get a couple of breaths of fresh air. Drink some water and enjoy the show from afar!
9. Take care of yourself!
You are at this concert for yourself, so make sure you are taking care of your health and well-being. Eat food beforehand, drink water through the day and the event, and breathe. You won’t have any fun if you pass out halfway through the show and miss the majority of the setlist sitting in the medical tent!
10. Reflect afterward!
Not to get existential, but reflecting after is so important, especially if this is your first solo concert. Once you’ve arrived home, eaten a snack, and taken a shower, take some time to think. Think about how being at the concert alone made you feel. Did you like it? Do you think you want to go to a concert solo again? Answering these questions will help you make a decision the next time your favorite artist is in town and no one is available to go with you.

Remember, concerts are supposed to be memorable and exciting experiences. They are not something to be stressed about, they are something to be excited about. So enjoy the moment, be in the present, and romanticize your life! Don’t worry about anyone else.
Plus, if you go to a concert alone and end up hating it, no harm no foul! Everyone has different preferences when it comes to live music, if you prefer going with friends, that is perfectly fine! But don’t let fear hold you back from trying to go alone, because you might discover something wonderful about yourself.